By answering to these questions you can help us achieve our final goal - to make a space ship as good as it can get. There are no mandatory questions, you can answer at whatever you want.
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Your age:
1. What's the best location to put a ship?
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2. Do you think you can recycle in space?
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3. What people should be the first to go on the spaceship and why?
4. Do you think that the believes of the people on the ship may affect us or the project
in any way?
Are atheists our target habitants of the spaceship?
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Could you leave earth to permanently live in space? Why?
7. What could be a great form for a spaceship?
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8. Why do you think that this project is specifically for children?
9. What do you think is the purpose of the NSS project?
10. What could be the best energy source in space?
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