Registration questionnaire
This is the FIRST STEP in registering to Villa Historia LARP.
After submitting the form - the game staff will confirm your registration and a payment link will be sent to you.

* Your personal information will only be used by the relevant team members. None of your personal information will be used for any other purpose.

Disclaimer: After completing the questionnaire we may wish to contact you to make an initial acquaintance. we do not undertake to accept any request to join the game and we reserve the right not to indicate a reason for refusal on our part.
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Email *
What is your full name? *
Birth date: *
Where are you from? *
Your Gender: *
Food sensitivities: *
Health issues: *
Mental health issues (We ask this in order to care for you and your safety, as well as other players, we’d appreciate your honesty): *
Where are you from? *
Do you need any advice on your trip to Israel? *
Previous experience in LARP (It's completely OK if you don't have any yet): *
Character gender: *
Character’s type – please choose two preferences.
Nobles (70 player characters): members of rich families, generals, or merchants, guests in the victory celebrations.

Gladiators (18 player characters): warriors in the family Ludus, gods in the arena but slaves outside of it.

High-Servants (12 player characters): clever slaves who have reached high social status and live between the worlds of nobility and slavery.

Option A *
Option B *
Character alignment: *
Preferred theatrical gameplay: *
Do I know another participant in the game with whom I would like to have a character connection? (please ask them first and have their state so in their form as well): *
Do you have any other important notes for us to know?
Thank you! We hope to see you soon!!
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