Faculty Letter
July 4, 2020

Dear President Eisgruber, Provost Prentice, Deans Kulkarni and Dolan, Vice President for Campus Life Calhoun, and members of the Princeton Cabinet,

Anti-Blackness is foundational to America. It plays a role in where we live and where we are welcome. It influences the level of healthcare we receive. It determines the degree of risk we are assumed to pose in contexts from retail to lending and beyond. It informs the expectations and tactics of law-enforcement. Anti-Black racism has hamstrung our political process. It is rampant in even our most “progressive” communities. And it plays a powerful role at institutions like Princeton, despite declared values of diversity and inclusion.
Anti-Black racism has a visible bearing upon Princeton’s campus makeup and its hiring practices. It is the problem that faculty of color are routinely called upon to remedy by making ourselves visible; by persuading our white colleagues to overcome bias in hiring, admission, and recruitment efforts; and by serving as mentors and support networks for junior faculty and students seeking to thrive in an environment where they are not prioritized. Indifference to the effects of racism on this campus has allowed legitimate demands for institutional support and redress in the face of micro-aggression and outright racist incidents to go long unmet.
At this moment of massive global uprising in the name of racial justice, we the faculty—Black, Latinx, Asian, and members of all communities of color along with our white colleagues—call upon the University to take immediate concrete and material steps to openly and publicly acknowledge the way that anti-Black racism, and racism of any stripe, continue to thrive on its campus. We call upon the administration to block the mechanisms that have allowed systemic racism to work, visibly and invisibly, in Princeton’s operations. We call upon the University to amplify its commitment to Black people and all people of color on this campus as central to its mission, and to become, for the first time in its history, an anti-racist institution.
We urge you to acknowledge and give priority to the following demands:

Give seats at your decision-making table to people of color who are actively anti-racist and inclusive in their practices. Diagnose the problem of racism through transparent demographic reporting. Redress the demographic disparity on Princeton’s faculty immediately and exponentially by hiring more faculty of color. Acknowledge the invisible work that faculty of color are compelled to do. Elevate faculty of color to prominent leadership positions. Educate the Princeton University community about the legacy of slavery and white supremacy. Continue to actively confront Princeton’s ties to and culpability in slavery and white supremacy. Use admissions as a tool of anti-racism. Invest in the pipeline to make lasting demographic change in the graduate and undergraduate bodies. Listen to and support Princeton’s faculty, preceptors, postdocs, staff, and students of color through open conversation and sustained mentoring programs. Above all, lead. Show our peer institutions, and the world, that genuine service to humanity begins with dismantling the unnatural and immoral hierarchies that universities have long perpetuated, both actively and in their inaction.

Our investment in this institution is such that we are willing to offer our time, energy, and expertise in order to bring about real and lasting institutional change, as follows:


We must listen and respond to the needs of faculty members of color and then elevate their work within the University. Indeed, the majority of concerns approached here from a faculty perspective also have significant bearing upon the experience of at-will staff members and students of color. We therefore posit these requests as a signal of our awareness of and connection to the struggles of all members of the Black Princeton community and communities of color across campus. We ask that you:

1.  With input from faculty, convene and engage an outside committee of academics, law professors, artists, and cultural advisors from communities of color—experts in the study of race and challenging racism—in University decisions about race, racism, anti-racism, and racial equity. Make communication between the University and such a committee transparent and public. Set clear benchmarks that must be met before this committee is disbanded.

2.  Form an internal committee of faculty and students of color to whom the University, in carrying out this work, remains accountable.

3.  Implement administration- and faculty-wide training that is specifically anti-racist in emphasis with the goal of making our campus truly safe, welcoming, and nurturing for every person of color on campus—students, postdocs, preceptors, staff, and faculty alike. Require the participation of staff members who work with students and student groups, like “Free Expression Facilitators” and Public Safety officers. This training should be led by an outside facilitator, selected in consultation with student representatives and expert practitioners (e.g., Race Forward), and become an integral and annual component of our faculty institutional culture. To be clear, this type of training is by no means one-size-fits-all; it is challenging, and it necessarily moves participants through stages of vulnerability, productive discomfort, and reflection. Thought must be put into determining which approaches will be most effective for academic units on a case-by-case basis and in consultation with experts in both social science and anti-racism. Support and guidance in this process must be a University priority and conducted in-person (or, given the COVID-19 restrictions, live and interactive).

4.  Elevate more faculty of color to prominent leadership positions within divisions and across the University. One glaring example of Princeton’s failure to do this can be found in the Humanities Council, which was established here well over a half century ago. Its significance for scholars in the humanities at the University, as well as its international visibility, cannot be overstated. On a campus encompassing so many world-class areas of research, mistake the humanities for no small matter: our world-renowned humanists have led the conversations about race, anti-racism, and inclusion on campus and in public media, and they do so now during these fraught times for Black people and people of color across the nation. Yet never once has the Humanities Council been directed by a scholar from an underrepresented group, which is a shocking fact about an entity that reportedly “connects 16 humanities departments and more than 30 interdisciplinary member programs, centers, and committees across the campus.” Moreover, the Council’s Executive Committee, as it is currently assembled, has no members from underrepresented groups. And the Council’s most important outward facing program, the prestigious Society of Fellows, has never once had a Director of color. This is not to disparage the excellent people currently occupying these roles or tapped to do so soon. It’s to indicate a pattern about appointments: the exclusion of faculty of color from leadership positions at the Council runs long and deep. Many of us have raised these issues with the upper administration time and again when we are asked for advice about appointments but to no avail. We do not understand how or why this matter is never rectified, or what it will take to be heard. We demand that a Director from an underrepresented group be appointed at the Council when the current Director's term expires on June 30, 2021. Delaying any longer, much less another four years, is detrimental in view of having already waited decades. There is sufficient leeway to change course, seek and heed recommendations from faculty demonstrably invested in anti-racist research, and make an appropriate appointment starting in 2021-22.

5.  Reward the invisible work done by faculty of color with course relief and summer salary. As of the fall of the 2019-20 academic year, faculty of color make up only 7% of the laddered faculty, according to figures provided by the Office of Institutional Research, but they are routinely called upon to exert influence in hiring committees and to stand as emblems and spokespersons of diversity at Princeton. Being required to chiefly and constantly "serve" and "represent" in the interest of administrative goals robs the imagination and interrupts any possibility of concerted thought. Faculty of color hired at the junior level should be guaranteed one additional semester of sabbatical on top of the one-in-six provision (and on top of any leave awarded through University or Bicentennial Preceptorships).

6.  Nominate no fewer than two faculty members of color for annual elections to C3, C7, and the Committee on Committees; and, for Divisions I and II, nominate at least one faculty member of color who either holds a joint appointment or who chairs or has chaired an interdepartmental program or center. Commit to greater diversity in the Academic Planning Group, and to the training and promotion of a more diverse cohort of senior administrators. It should be abundantly clear that in order to do this work in perpetuity without taxing the same faculty members again and again, we must recruit many more faculty members of color. Only 4% of Princeton’s full professors are Black.

7.  Recognize that the Department of African American Studies is home to many classes that examine in depth the history, culture, politics, and economics of racism and white supremacy and the resistance to both in this country and beyond. Establish a core distribution requirement focused on the history and legacy of racism in the country and on the campus. The invaluable anti-racism work of the Carl A. Fields Center could continue alongside, and amplified by, a research unit similarly focused.

8.  Create a center specifically dedicated to racism and anti-racism that can work alongside the Department of African American Studies. Like the Keller Center, this unit should provide educational, funding, curricular, and co-curricular opportunities, and serve as a nexus for scholars of all disciplines who wish to align their work with research into racism/anti-racism. The invaluable anti-racism work of the Carl A. Fields Center could continue alongside, and amplified by, a research unit similarly focused.

9.  Commit fully to anti-racist campus iconography, beginning with the removal of the John Witherspoon statue (erected in 2001) near Firestone Library, and instead, as proposed recently, “investigate Firestone’s legacy on this campus and disclose its historical and contemporary ties to the Firestone Company” and its Liberian plantation. Consider acknowledging this history with a marker at the Firestone Library.

10.  Host semesterly open conversations where administrators hold space with students, faculty, and staff of color (including essential workers), and listen to the needs of the community around race and identity.

11.  Empower departments, centers, and related fields to tailor inclusion efforts in discipline-specific ways. The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity should collaborate with individual departments on discipline-specific action plans for anti-racist research, teaching, hiring, and retention; and serve as a channel of communication between departments in order to share best practices and prevent duplication of efforts.

12.  Be explicit about the University’s policy towards non-DACAmented undocumented applicants. While the University has supported DACAmented applicants and admits, its policies towards undocumented applicants without DACA are deliberately and unacceptably ambiguous—to the frustration of applicants and faculty alike.

13.  Reconsider the use of standardized testing (SAT, GRE, etc.), which research shows to be strongly correlated with the underrepresentation of people of color on college campuses.

14.  Acknowledge on the homepage that the University is sited on indigenous land, as many Canadian universities do. Such a statement cannot be relegated to a special page about “inclusive Princeton.” The statement on our homepage should explicitly acknowledge that this land is unceded, as follows: “We acknowledge that the land of this University is the unceded traditional territory of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation.” This corrects the current statement, which does not include this important fact about how founders of the University settled on this land.

15.  Remove questions about misdemeanors and felony convictions from admissions applications, and all applications to work and/or study at Princeton. In recognition that mass incarceration and predatory policing not only menace the safety of all people of color at the University and their families but also hinder our community's progress towards racial justice, heed the Princeton Faculty Call to Action to Divest from Private Prison and Detention Corporations.

16.  Substantially increase the University's financial contributions to community organizations in central New Jersey that are directly involved in the work of rectifying racial and socioeconomic inequality. Boost the efforts of the Black Leadership Coalition to support Trenton businesses.


There has been no significant demographic change in the faculty’s make-up since the University last addressed the issue of inclusion in a report in 2013. Past initiatives have failed. In 2001-02, among 675 laddered (or “tenure track”) faculty, there were 18 Black faculty members, 18 Latinx faculty persons, and 0 Indigenous people among the faculty ranks—meaning, 5% of the faculty was composed of persons of color from underrepresented groups. Some twenty years later, in 2019-2020, among 814 faculty, there were 30 Black, 31 Latinx, and 0 Indigenous persons. That’s 7%, as noted above using figures from the Office of Institutional Research. The numbers are even worse in STEM fields taken on their own. This is not progress by any standard; it falls woefully short of U.S. demographics as estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau, which reports Black and Hispanic persons at 32% of the total population. Nor do any of these numbers begin to account for the enormous amount of invisible labor that all colleagues of color do on campus, whether or not they belong to underrepresented groups, when called upon to present the image of a diverse faculty to the world. We recommend that you immediately:

1.  Facilitate and prioritize Target of Opportunity cluster hires across related disciplines. Increase faculty lines for departments and programs that hire faculty of color. Consider a multi-year rotation of cluster hiring by division (e.g., Year 1: 5 new faculty in Division 1, Year 2: 5 new faculty in Division 2, etc.). Consider giving faculty of color a full year of course relief to run such searches.

2.  Fund a chaired professorship in Indigenous Studies for a scholar who decenters white frames of reference and researches “the cultural traditions and political experiences of Indigenous Peoples (especially in the Western Hemisphere) through historical and contemporary lenses,” to cite Brown University’s Native American and Indigenous Studies Initiative.

3.  Give substantial FTE to those departments and programs with a track record of supporting faculty of color, such as Gender and Sexuality Studies, American Studies (Latinx, Asian), African American Studies, the Lewis Center for the Arts, and Anthropology.  

4.  Enforce repercussions (as in, no hires) for departments that show no progress in appointing faculty of color. Reject search authorization applications and offers that show no evidence of a concerted effort to assemble a diverse candidate pool.

5.  Require anti-bias training for all faculty participating in faculty searches, coupled with a requirement that all departments applying for search authorization specify in their submission to the DOF how they will identify and recruit scholars of color.

6.  Provide additional human resources for the support of junior faculty of color. Princeton’s institutional membership in the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity is not on its own sufficient. Consider the hiring, under the auspices of Counseling and Psychological Services and/or the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity, of additional staff and professional coaches who are trained to address the unique demands and pressures faced by faculty of color. It should not fall solely to faculty of color to mentor and support one another.

7.  Give new assistant professors summer move-in allowances on July 1 that cover rent deposits, first month’s rent, and rent and food for the summer. These allowances should be automatic and not conditional on first requesting a salary advance.

8.  Accord greater importance to service as part of annual salary reviews.

9.  Recognize (through prizes, course releases, and summer salary) faculty involved in inclusion (including community facing) efforts. Institute a university-wide faculty mentoring/teaching award for those who work with Black students, and recognize the winners at Commencement.

10.  Implement transparent annual reporting of demographic data on hiring, promotion, tenuring, and retention to show progress or lack thereof, comparable to the annual report produced by Harvard or the Hispanic Equity Report prepared by faculty at the University of Texas at Austin.

11.  Constitute a committee composed entirely of faculty that would oversee the investigation and discipline of racist behaviors, incidents, research, and publication on the part of faculty, following a protocol for grievance and appeal to be spelled out in Rules and Procedures of the Faculty. Guidelines on what counts as racist behavior, incidents, research, and publication will be authored by a faculty committee for incorporation into the same set of rules and procedures.


1.  Support departmental and program efforts to identify and recruit postdoctoral scholars of color. The new Presidential Fellows program is one potential avenue for expansion, but it may be more efficient to provide departments with the funds to create their own Prize Postdocs targeting scholars of color for postdocs. As above, we should aim for a substantially higher number of cluster or cohort hires.

2.  Invest real resources in the success of these postdocs, through mentorship and cohort-building.

3.  Ensure salary and benefits equity for postdoctoral fellows, and provide additional financial resources to address their specific research and professional needs. Fund moving expenses in full for all Presidential Postdocs and significantly increase their access to discretionary research funds.  

4.  Integrate postdoctoral scholars fully into the life of their host department or program by inviting them to participate in deliberations about research, teaching, and hiring.

5.  Incentivize departments to hire postdocs (through the Presidential Fellows Program and/or department- and center-specific Prize Postdocs) as tenure-track colleagues by providing FTE above and beyond existing ToO support toward the hire. Commit to hiring at least 20 assistant professors out of these postdoctoral pools over a five-year period.


We stand with the demands of Princeton Graduate Students United to work more closely with departments to ensure the mental and physical well-being of students whose lives and research have been interrupted by COVID-19. We offer these recommendations in full support of theirs:

1.  Help departments educate themselves on the importance of holistic admissions, and train directors of graduate studies to model anti-racism more effectively for their faculty peers in discussing and evaluating graduate applications.

2.  Increase financial support for the new Predoctoral Fellowship Initiative, and more vigorously advocate for it and the values upon which it is based. Thus far, the University’s lack of investment in this program has had a bearing upon results. Sixteen departments nominally participated in the program this cycle, but only four pre-docs will arrive on campus in the fall. The policy of counting pre-doctoral admits against the overall departmental cohort allocation should be discontinued.

3.  Support discipline-specific actions (e.g., recruitment through lab manager positions) rather than a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach.

4.  For all admissions, make fee waivers transparent, easy to use, and well-advertised. Fully fund graduate visits for prospective students in need, and consider disbursing a stipend in advance instead of having them complete a reimbursement form. Give incoming graduate students summer move-in allowances on July 1 that cover rent deposits, first month’s rent, and rent and food expenses for the summer.


We stand with the students of the School of Public and International Affairs whose demands were recently circulated. We offer these recommendations in full support of theirs:

1.  Address Princeton’s history with slavery as part of First-Year Orientation, using the resources of the Princeton and Slavery Project. Keep pace with Harvard, which, in November 2019, announced a renewed investment in confronting its ties to the legacy of slavery through “a range of programmatic and scholarly efforts...for which the University is initially committing $5 million.”

2.  Establish a specific committee modeled after the Honor Committee that addresses cases of discrimination in the classroom, in line with student demands.

3.  Acknowledge, credit, and incentivize anti-racist student activism. Such acknowledgment should, at a minimum, take the form of reparative action, beginning with a formal public University apology to the members of the Black Justice League and their allies. Assign proper credit to the Black Justice League for the removal of Woodrow Wilson’s name from the residential college and the School of Public and International Affairs.

4.  Provide anti-racism resources and practices to every student group approved by the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students. Offer incentives for groups doing anti-racist/community facing and inclusive work.

5.  Create and fund a student-led symposium, lecture, or public conversation series on race.

6.  Use the Pre-read. Harness the potential of this campus-wide endeavor as an annual tool for recognizing and interrogating the history and nature of systemic racism. In consultation with faculty and external advisors, commit to repeatedly seeking out texts that approach this topic from a range of disciplines, including literature, humanities and the social sciences, prioritizing authors who identify as people of color and are explicitly engaged with anti-racist work. The Anti-Racism Book Initiative is a student-led version of what the Pre-read might set out to achieve.

7.  Establish peer mentoring partnerships within programs and departments, so that senior students, including historically underrepresented students, can take a leadership role and mentor younger students. Peer mentors should be paid or provided some other kind of reimbursement resource, so that this network does not become another space of overburdening. The Student Peer Arts Advisors program at the Lewis Center for the Arts could serve as a model.

8.  Consider a substantial expansion of our Mellon Mays program as part of a strategic initiative for diversifying the professoriate that embraces our undergraduates and adopts a 10- to 15-year view. Fund more Mellon Mays slots so that all who want to do Mellon Mays at Princeton can. Significantly increase the resources and visibility of the Scholars Institute Fellows Program.

9.  Require and fund each department to establish a senior thesis prize for research and independent work that is actively anti-racist or expands our sense of how race is constructed in our society.

10.  Fundamentally reconsider legacy admissions, which lower academic standards and perpetuate inequality.

11.  To promote equality, open the University to more first-generation and low income students by seeking a broader pool of applicants into the Transfer program and increasing the number of persons admitted as transfers. Public universities, such as the top-rate California system, serve their regions by welcoming many students from two-year colleges, a great many of whom are students of color.  Amplify and accelerate the work of the Transfer program, increasing its acceptance rate (1.4%) to match the acceptance rate for first-years or entering classes (5.5%). In order to extend its goals and outreach, equip Transfer program administrators with the tools of anti-racism and stress the importance of holistic admissions.

12.  Fund scholarships for students of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation to attend Princeton. Work to identify and support such students while in high school. Indigenous communities are by considerable measure the most egregiously underrepresented minority at the University.

Partner with us. This vision for our campus was initiated in the days before the vote by the Trustees to remove Woodrow Wilson’s name from what are now First College and the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, and it was completed in the wake of gratitude and determination that followed the announcement of your decision. It owes a tremendous debt of thanks to the support of numerous faculty, staff, students and alumni who volunteered generously of their time and insight to make this a more thorough and comprehensive document. But there are still a great many more measures and initiatives that can and ought to be considered, and we support and stand in solidarity with future calls to action by Black staff and administrators of color.

We recognize that some steps offered here, such as curricular changes, hiring, and admissions, will require direct faculty endorsement and input, and we commit to work within our departments to implement these steps. What we offer here are principled steps which, if implemented with care and in consultation with all affected parties, could immediately and powerfully move the dial further toward justice for this campus and, given Princeton’s influence, for the world.

Please support us in this effort to disrupt the institutional hierarchies perpetuating inequity and harm. Reinvigorate, with us, the service mission of our University as we seek to become—in every way, at every level, and for the first time—an anti-racist University.

We understand that some of these suggestions are implementable now; others will require more time to enact. We would be grateful for the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the measures and actions proposed herein and an expedient timeline. An official response by late August, following the convening of the University Cabinet, could mark the start to a project we hope will be mutual and lasting. We look forward to hearing from you then.


Tracy K. Smith, Roger S. Berlind ‘52 Professor in the Humanities; Chair, Lewis Center for the Arts

Jenny E. Greene, Professor of Astrophysical Sciences

Dan-el Padilla Peralta, Associate Professor of Classics

Andrew Cole, Professor of English and Director of the Gauss Seminars in Criticism

Imani Perry, Hughes-Rogers Professor of African American Studies

Ruha Benjamin, Associate Professor of African American Studies & Arthur H. Scribner Bicentennial Preceptor

Eddie S. Glaude Jr., James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of African American Studies

Brooke Holmes, Robert F. Goheen Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Classics

Simon Gikandi, Robert Schirmer Professor of English

Jhumpa Lahiri, Director and Professor of Creative Writing

Yiyun Li, Professor of Creative Writing

Aleksandar Hemon, Professor of Creative Writing

V. M. McEwen, Assistant Professor of Architecture

Rashidah N. Andrews, Director of Studies, Forbes College

Judith Weisenfeld, Agate Brown and George L. Collord Professor of Religion

Autumn Womack, Assistant Professor of English and African American Studies

Chika Okeke-Agulu, Professor of African and African Diaspora Art

Betsy Levy Paluck, Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs; Deputy Director, Kahneman-Treisman Center for Behavioral Science & Public Policy

Joshua B. Guild, Associate Professor of History and African American Studies

Tera W. Hunter, Edwards Professor of American History and Professor of African American Studies

Naomi Murakawa, Associate Professor of African American Studies

Jannette Carey, Associate Professor of Chemistry

Monica Huerta, Assistant Professor of English and American Studies

Beth Lew-Williams, Associate Professor of History

Crystal Napoli, Academic Administrator, Lewis Center for the Arts

Kimberly de los Santos, John C. Bogle '51 and Burton G. Malkiel '64 Executive Director, Pace Center

Courtney Perales Reyes, Coordinator and Communications Associate, Programs for Access and Inclusion, Scholars Institute Fellows Program

Julia Elyachar, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies

Sarah Chihaya, Assistant Professor of English

Jane Cox, Senior Lecturer and Director of The Program in Theater

Wendy Belcher, Professor of Comparative Literature and African American Studies

Hal Foster, Townsend Martin Class of 1917 Professor of Art and Archaeology

Christina León, Assistant Professor of English

Brian Eugenio Herrera, Associate Professor of Theater and Gender and Sexuality Studies

Alberto Bruzos, Senior Lecturer and Director of Spanish Language Program

Rhae Lynn Barnes, Assistant Professor of History

Frederik J. Simons, Professor of Geosciences

Gillian Knapp, Professor Emerita of Astrophysical Sciences

Susan Wheeler, Professor of Creative Writing  

Dara Z. Strolovitch, Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies

Max Weiss, Associate Professor of History and Near Eastern Studies

Susan Sugarman, Professor of Psychology

Sara Howard, Librarian for Gender and Sexuality Studies

Jenny Xie, Lecturer in Creative Writing

Satyel Larson, Assistant Professor of Near Eastern Studies

Eve Aschheim, Lecturer in the Visual Arts Program

Sonya Legg, Senior Research Oceanographer and Lecturer in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program

Elizabeth Margulis, Professor of Music

Forrest Meggers, Assistant Professor, Architecture and Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment

Spyros Papapetros, Associate Professor, School of Architecture

Beatrice Kitzinger, Assistant Professor of Medieval Art History, Art & Archaeology

Shariffa Ali,  Lecturer in Theater, Lewis Center

Julia Elyachar, Associate Professor, Anthropology and PIIRs

Joshua Kotin, Associate Professor,  Department of English
Arcadio Díaz-Quiñones, Emory L. Ford Professor Emeritus, Spanish and Portuguese

Jeff Whetstone,  Professor, Lewis Center for the Arts

Ben Baer, Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Literature; Director, Program in South Asian Studies

Perla Masi, Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese

Rosina Lozano,  Associate Professor of History

Regina Kunzel, Doris Stevens Chair and Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies, and History

Deborah J. Yashar, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Politics &  Princeton School of Public and International Affairs

Daniel Sheffield, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Studies

Elena Fratto, Assistant Professor, Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures

Kirstin Valdez Quade, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing

Steven Chung, Associate Professor, East Asian Studies

Stacy Wolf, Professor of Theater and American Studies, Lewis Center for the Arts

Eldar Shafir, Class of 1987 Professor of Behavioral Science and Public Policy, Psychology & Princeton School of Public and International Affairs

Katie Chenoweth, Associate Professor, Department of French and Italian

Anna M. Shields, Chair and Professor of East Asian Studies

Susan Marshall, Director of the Program in Dance

Michelle Thomas, Senior Buyer, Office of the Vice President for Finance and Treasury

Susana Draper, Associate Professor., Comparative Literature

Dara Z. Strolovitch, Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies

Anne McClintock, A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies

Satyel Larson, Assistant Professor of Near Eastern Studies
Shaun Marmon, Associate Professor of Religion

Shariffa Ali, Lecturer in the Program in Theater

Vicky Glosson, Program Coordinator, Office of the Dean of the College

Rosina Lozano, Associate Professor of History

Rochelle A. Makela-Goodman, Director, Gift Planning; Latino Princetonians, University Advancement

Arbel Griner, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs

Anne Anlin Cheng, Professor of English and Director of American Studies

Angel Gardner, Assistant Director of External Affairs at the Lewis Center for the Arts

Barbara Nagel, Assistant Professor of German

Miguel Angel Centeno, Musgrave Professor of Sociology; Vice-Dean, Princeton School of International and Public Affairs

Trineice Robinson-Martin, Lecturer in Music

Marguerite Verá, Senior Associate Director of Venue Services

Zahid R. Chaudhary, Associate Professor of English

Carmelita Becnel, Stage Manager in the Program in Theater

Irene V. Small, Associate Professor of Art and Archaeology

Sabrina L. Smith, Associate Director, Leadership Gifts, University Advancement

Eduardo Cadava, Professor of English

LaFleur Stephens-Dougan, Assistant Professor of Politics

Russ Leo, Associate Professor of English

Marissa Gonzalez, Senior Manager, Strategic Projects and Operations,  OIT

Lital Levy, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature

Karen Emmerich, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature

Moulie Vidas, Associate Professor of Religion and the Program in Judaic Studies

Paul Muldoon, Howard G. B. Clark University Professor; Director, Princeton Atelier/Chair, Fund for Irish Studies/Founding Chair of the Lewis Center for the Arts

Amaney A. Jamal, Edwards S. Sanford Professor of Politics at Princeton University and Director of the Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice

Ian Bourg, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Zia Mian, Research Scientist and Co-Director, Program in Science and Global Security, Program on Science and Global Security

Andrea L. Graham, Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Co-Director of the Global Health Program; Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Pedro Meira Monteiro, Arthur W. Marks '19 Professor of Spanish and Portuguese

Alex Glaser, Associate Professor, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Ryo Morimoto, Assistant Professor, Anthropology

Paul Frymer, Professor of Politics and Director of the Program in Law and Public Affairs

Marion Friedman Young, Executive Director, Lewis Center for the Arts

Martha Friedman, Director and Senior Lecturer, Visual Arts Program, Lewis Center For the Arts

Melissa Haynes, Lecturer in the Department of Classics

Rob Nixon, Barron Family Professor of Humanities and Environment, Princeton Environmental Institute and Department of English  

Nicole D. Legnani, Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese

Erin West, Program Associate, Program in Creative Writing, Lewis Center for the Arts

Caroline Cheung, Assistant Professor of Classics

Joshua Billings, Professor of Classics

Suzanne Agins, Lecturer in the Program in Theater

Daphney Kalotay, Lecturer in Creative Writing
Mitra Keykhah, Assistant Director of Donor Relations, University Development

Anastasia Mann, Lecturer, School of Public and International Affairs

Keith Wailoo, Henry Putnam University Professor of History and Public Affairs, Department of History / School of Public and International Affairs

Michael Wood, Charles Barnwell Straut Class of 1923 Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Emeritus

Gabriel Crouch, Director of Choral Activities, Department of Music

Gabriel Vecchi, Professor, Geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute

Rachael Z. DeLue, Christopher Binyon Sarofim '86 Professor in American Art, Art & Archaeology, and American Studies

Colleen Asper, Lecturer in the Program in Visual Art, Lewis Center For the Arts

Andrew Houck, Professor, Electrical Engineering

Rena Lederman, Professor,  Anthropology Department

Coleen T. Murphy, Professor, Molecular Biology

Hendrik Lorenz, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Philosophy

Zemer Gitai, Edwin Grant Conklin Professor, Department of Molecular Biology

Rachel L. Price, Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Rebecca Lazier, Senior Lecturer, Lewis Center for the Arts

Nick Nesbitt, Professor, Department of French and Italian

Mary O'Connor, Manager, Office of the Chair and Special Projects, Lewis Center for the Arts

Margaret Martonosi, Hugh Trumbull Adams '35 Professor, Computer Science

Helmut Reimitz, Professor, Department of History

Davina T. Wrenn, Student Services Assistant, Office of the Registrar
Patricia Fernandez-Kelly, Professor of Sociology
Deana Lawson, Professor of Photography, Lewis Center for the Arts

Casey Lew-Williams, Professor of Psychology

Aynsley Vandenbroucke, Full Time Lecturer in Dance, Lewis Center for the Arts

Aaron Landsman, Visiting Lecturer, Theater, Lewis Center for the Arts

Sophie Gee, Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Department of English

Annegret Falkner, Assistant Professor, Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Stephen F. Teiser, D.T. Suzuki Professor in Buddhist Studies, Department of Religion
Anna Arabindan-Kesson, Laurance S. Rockefeller University Preceptor, Department of African American Studies/Department of Art and Archaeology

James Welling, Lecturer with the Rank of Professor in Visual Arts
Nell Painter, Edwards Professor of American History, Emerita

Mónica Ponce de León, Professor and Dean of the School of Architecture

Vince Di Mura, Resident Composer and Musical Director, Lewis Center of the Arts

Mark Nelson, Lecturer in Theater, Lewis Center for the Arts

Michael Cadden, Senior Lecturer, Program in Theater, Lewis Center for the Arts

R. N. Sandberg, Lecturer, Theater, Lewis Center for the Arts, and Department of English

Alin Coman, Associate Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs, Psychology/SPIA

Dannelle Gutarra Cordero, Lecturer, African American Studies & Gender and Sexuality Studies
Yael Niv, Professor, Psychology Department and Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Anna Kesson, Assistant Professor, African American Studies; Art and Archaeology
Barbara Engelhardt, Associate Professor, Computer Science
Andrew Watsky, Professor, Art and Archaeology

Marshall Brown, Director, Princeton Urban Imagination Center; Associate Professor of Architecture

Tamsen Wolff, Associate Professor of English

Bridget Alsdorf, Associate Professor of Art and Archaeology

Reena Goldthree, Assistant Professor, African American Studies

Tali Mendelberg, John Work Garrett Professor of Politics, Department of Politics

Leah Boustan, Professor of Economics

Gabriel Duguay ’22, chair, the USG Indigeneity at Princeton Task Force, First Indigenous Studies Concentrator, Indigenous Studies

Katharine Schassler, ’21, the USG Indigeneity at Princeton Task Force, concentrating in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Manna Selassie, MPA, International Relations and Affairs, ’20

Keely Toledo,  ’22, Anthropology

Paul Nadal, Assistant Professor, Department of English and Program in American Studies

Nathan Davis, Lecturer in Theater; Roger S. Berlind '52 Playwright in Residence, Lewis Center for the Arts

Elke Ursula Weber, Gerhard R. Andlinger Professor in Energy and the Environment and Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs, Andlinger Center

Diana Tamir, Assistant Professor, Psychology

Murielle Perrier, Lecturer, Department of French and Italian

Florent Masse, Senior Lecturer, Department of French and Italian

Olga Hasty, Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Ra'anan Boustan, Research Scholar, Program in Judaic Studies

Jesse Gomez, Assistant Professor, Princeton Neuroscience Institute

Leonard Wantchekon, Professor, Politics and International Affairs

Catherine Peña, Assistant Professor, Neuroscience

Mala Murthy, Professor, Neuroscience

Mariangela Lisanti, Associate Professor of Physics

Carlos Brody, Wilbur H. Gantz III '59 Professor of Neuroscience, Neuroscience

Robert Goldston, Professor, Astrophysical Sciences

Naomi Ehrich Leonard, Edwin S. Wilsey Professor Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Jeff Dolven, Professor of English

Michael Strauss, Professor and Chair, Astrophysical Sciences

Katerina Stergiopoulou, Assistant Professor, Classics and the Center of Hellenic Studies

Jesse Jenkins, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the Andlinger Center for Energy and Environment

Marcus Hultmark, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Judith Hamera, Professor, American Studies and Dance

William Gleason, Hughes-Rogers Professor, English and American Studies

Sigrid Adriaenssens, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Miguel Gutierrez, 2020-2021 Caroline A. Hearst Choreographer in Residence, Lewis Center for the Arts

Dyane Harvey-Salaam, Lecturer in Dance, Lewis Center for the Arts

Erika Kiss, Director of Film Forum, University Center for Human Values

Lara Harb, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Studies

D. Vance Smith, Professor of English

Cindy Rosenfeld, Program Associate, Program in Dance

Kinohi Nishikawa, Associate Professor, English & African American Studies

Rebecca Stenn, Lecturer, Lewis Center for the Arts, Dance Program

Grace Helton, Assistant Professor, Philosophy

Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi, Professor, Near Eastern Studies

C. Jessica Metcalf, Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Ilyana Kuziemko, Professor, Economics

Kenneth Tam, Lecturer, Lewis Center for the Arts

Erin Besler,  Assistant Professor, School of Architecture

Laurence Ralph, Professor of Anthropology, Anthropology

Meredith Martin, Associate Professor, Department of English

Jodi Schottenfeld-Roames, Lecturer, Molecular Biology

Patricia Blessing, Assistant Professor of Islamic Art, Art & Archaeology

Takumi Murayama ’14, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mathematics

Sama Ahmed, Presidential Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Princeton Neuroscience Institute

Megan Wang, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton Neuroscience Institute

Nicholas Risteen, Lecturer, Princeton Writing Program                          
Z. Yan Wang, Postdoctoral Researcher, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Tara van Viegen, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton Neuroscience Institute                          

Daniel Cohen, Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Gavin Steingo, Associate Professor, Music
James E Gunn, Eugne Higgina Professor (emeritus), Astrophysical Sciences
Jonathan Hanna, Master of Architecture, 2022, School of Architecture
Daniel Rusnak, graduate program in Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019
Imani Mulrain ’23, Molecular Biology                    
Jo Dunkley, Professor, Departments of Physics and Astrophysics
Kauribel Javier, Program Coordinator, Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students                                  

Robert Kaplowitz, Lecturer in Theater, Lewis Center for the Arts
Eileen Reeves, Professor of Comparative Literature
Ilana Witten, Associate Professor, Neuroscience & Psychology
Brian DePasquale, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Sandra Bermann, Cotsen Professor in the Humanities; Professor of Comparative Literature; Director, Fung Global Scholars Program Comparative Literature
Xinning Zhang, Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences and Princeton Environmental Institute
Katherine Reischl, Assistant Professor, Slavic Languages and Literatures                                

Brandy Briones, Graduate Student, Psychology and Princeton Neuroscience Institute                                                                      

Gorka Bilbao, Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese
Marilia Librandi, Lecturer, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Joseph Schloss, Lecturer, Program in Dance, Lewis Center for the Arts            
Sarita Fellows, Lecturer in Theater, Lewis Center for the Arts
Andrew Feldherr, Professor, Classics                                  
Gabriela Nouzeilles, Professor, Spanish and Portuguese                          
Blair Schoene, Associate Professor, Geosciences                            
German Labrador Mendez, Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Michael Oppenheimer, Albert G. Milbank Professor of Geosciences and International Affairs, SPIA and Geosciences

Trica Keaton, Associate Professor of African and African American Studies, Dartmouth College

Nadia Cervantes Pérez, Lecturer , Spanish and Portuguese  

Richard Hutchins, PhD '19, Classics

Nicholas J. Figueroa, Spanish Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese

Grace K Penn , Associate Director, Affiliated Groups Advancement

Christina H. Lee, Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese

Eliot Raynor, Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese

Lynda Dodd, Lecturer, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs

Deborah Schlein, Librarian for Near Eastern Studies; Near Eastern Studies PhD, '19

Caroline Owens, Graduate Student, UC Santa Barbara; Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology

Willliam Bialek, John Archibald Wheeler/Battelle Professor, Physics and the Lewis-Sigler Institute

Benjamin Morison, Professor, Director of the Program in Classical Philosophy; Philosophy

Daniel M. Choi, Lecturer, Princeton Writing Program

Karen Sisti, College Program Administrator, Rockefeller College

Lev Nikulin, PGRA, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Vance T. Stephens  ’11, Assistant Director, Undergraduate Financial Aid

Devin Fore, Professor, German

Greg Taubman, A.B. Summa Cum Laude 2006, Classical Studies

AnneMarie Luijendijk, Professor, Head of First College, Religion

Shawon Jackson, ’15 School of Public and International Affairs

Margaret Beissinger, Research Scholar, Slavic Languages & Literatures

Jamie Goodwin, ’21, Philosophy

Erin Huang, Assistant Professor, East Asian Studies and Comparative Literature

Raj Hathiramani ’07 S’09, Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Abigail Keyes '02, Near Eastern Studies

Joel Lande, Assistant Professor, German                                      

Jinyu Liu, Professor of Classical Studies, DePauw University      
Sara S. Poor, Associate Professor, German
Johannes Wankhammer, Assistant Professor, German    
Agustín Fuentes, Professor, Anthropology
Sina Tafazoli, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton Neuroscience Institute      
Mingzhen Lu, Associate Research Scholar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology  
Bryan Grenfell, Kathryn Briger and Sarah Fenton Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and School of Public and International Affairs  
Chanelle Wilson, Assistant Professor of Education, Director of Africana Studies, Bryn Mawr/Haverford College
Suik Mai Baal, '16, School of Public and International Affairs    
Argenis Hurtado Moreno, Doctoral Student, Anthropology, Brown University  
Lauren L Emberson, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Jeremy D. Cortez, Ph.D. Candidate, President of SACNAS Princeton Chapter, Dept. of Molecular Biology
Rebecca Senior, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Jim Wu, PhD candidate, Department of Physics
Zach Zimmerman ’10, Visiting Lecturer, Lewis Center for the Arts
Rory Truex, Assistant Professor, Politics and School of Public and International Affairs  
Rik Aspinall ’06, A.B., Physics                                              
Jared A Crooks, '11 *15 S'09, Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Erik T Fallis, Professor, Program in Judaic Studies
Rebecca Moore, Graduate Student, Molecular Biology
Joshua Shaevitz, Professor, Physics and the Lewis-Sigler Institute
Christopher Tully, Professor, Physics        
Andrew Leifer, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Nadia Cervantes Pérez, Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese
Thomas Gregor ’05, Professor, Physics and the Lewis-Sigler Institute
M. Zahid Hasan, Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics, Physics
Christopher Allan Palmer, Associate Research Scholar, Physics
Sarah Elkordy, ’21, Public and International Affairs
Malavika Rajeev, Graduate Student, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
David Salkowski, PhD Candidate, Musicology

Michael Romalis, Professor, Physics
Juliane Rebentisch, Regular Visiting Professor, Department of German
Jacqueline Golden, Associate Director, Application Development University Advancement
Lisa Malia Scalice, Senior Department Manager, Physics
Sashank Pisupati, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Traslyn Butler, Senior Associate Director, Office of Advancement
Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri '01, Visiting Lecturer, Director, Photographer and Social Justice Advocate, Lewis Center for the Arts
April Ball, Student, Psychology, Stanford University
Raquel Mattson-Prieto, Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese
Liana Wait, PhD Candidate, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Jarome Ali, Graduate Student, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Catherine M. Young, Lecturer, Princeton Writing Program  

James W. Fuerst '94, Assistant Professor of Writing, Literary Studies, Eugene Lang College, The New School                                              
Sean D. Johnson, Carnegie-Princeton Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Astrophysical Sciences
Kasey Wagoner, Lecturer, Physics                                      
Sarah Kocher, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
Ben Krause, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mathematics
Rémy Joseph, Postdoctoral Scholar, Astrophysical Sciences

Peter D. Meyers, Professor, Physics
Sha Li, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Molecular Biology
Roohi Dalal, Graduate Student, Astrophysical Sciences
Heather White, 2007 GS graduate, Religion Department
Caroline Palavicino-Maggio, Research Fellow, Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School
Emily Bruce, ’96, Comparative Literature                                      
Vítor V. Vasconcelos, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
Bryan Schonfeld, PhD Candidate, Politics
Cheryl Morris, Data Management III, Alumni & Donor Records/Advancement
Silas Riener, Lecturer, Dance
Roberto Alexander Tejada Arevalo, Graduate Student, Astrophysical Sciences  
Daniel Tamayo, Postdoctoral Scholar, Astrophysical Sciences
Jacob Levine, PhD Student, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Rozlyn Anderson Flood, Philanthropic Advisor, University Advancement/Gift Planning
Rory Conlin, Graduate Student, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Janet Vertesi, Associate Professor, Sociology
Jane Holmquist, Astrophysics, Mathematics, Physics and Plasma Physics Librarian (1981-2017), Princeton University Library
Frans Pretorius, Professor, Physics
Robyn Howard, Program Administrator, Butler College
Dan Taranu, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Astrophysical Sciences            
Noah Mandell, Ph.D. candidate, Astrophysical Sciences (Program in Plasma Physics)  
Rachael Beaton, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Astrophysical Sciences      
Brandon Hensley, Lyman Spitzer, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow, Astrophysical Sciences  
Gayle Salamon, Professor, English and Gender and Sexuality Studies
Alexander Ploss, Associate Professor, Molecular Biology
Anirudha Majumdar, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Mackenzie Moody, PhD candidate, Astrophysical Sciences
Ileana Cristea, Professor, Department of Molecular Biology
Alice Wang, ’19, Psychology
Eugene Eans, Graduate Student, Plasma Physics
Richard Majeski, Principal Research Physicist, Lecturer with Rank of Professor, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Barbara Graziosi, Professor, Classics                                              
Andrés Alejandro Plazas Malagón, Associate Research Scholar, Astrophysical Sciences

Trina Swanson '20, Anthropology
Paradorn Rummaneethorn, B.S.E. Summa Cum Laude 2018, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Javier Guerrero, Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese
Nina Zubrilina, Graduate Student, Mathematics
Vikramaditya Giri, Graduate Student, Mathematics                                              
Theodore H. Lewis III, Purchasing Administrator, Physics
Shikhin Sethi, Graduate Student, Mathematics
Jonathan Levine, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Jolyon Pruszinski, Lecturer, Department of Religion
Andrew O. Nelson, Ph.D. Candidate, Astrophysical Sciences (Program in Plasma Physics)

Richard Bruno ’02, Psychology
Jaydeep Singh, PhD Student, Mathematics
Risa Gross ’02, School of Public and International Affairs
Elisabeth H. Krueger, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton Environmental Institute                                  

Hantao Ji, Professor, Department of Astrophysical Sciences
Brian Kraus, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Astrophysical Sciences and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory                  
Natalie Diaz ’19, Computer Science            
Laura Ana Bustamante, PhD Candidate, Princeton Neuroscience Institute                  
K. Leanna Jahnke, Program Coordinator, Office of Wintersession and Campus Engagement

Isadora Mota, Assistant Professor, History

Romina R. Ruvalcaba, Assistant Professor, History and CRES
Lindy McBride, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Shannon Swilley Greco, Science Education Senior Program Leader, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
James Antony, Associate Research Scholar, Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Deedee Ortiz, Program Manager, Science Education, Communications & Public Outreach, PPPL
Peter Grant, Professor Emeritus, EEB
Rosemary Grant, Senior Research Scholar Emerita, EEB
Jenny Wiley Legath ’08, Lecturer and Associate Director, Center for the Study of Religion
Angela Mayfield, Executive Administrator, PPPL - PS&T
Rachel (Robbins) Miles, Lecturer - Creativity, Innovation, and Design, Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering
Sankaran Sundaresan, Norman John Sollenberger Professor in Engineering, Chemical & Biological Engineering
Aleksandar Kostić, Graduate Student, Anthropology
Tatiana Brailovskaya, Graduate Student, Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics
Susan Aaron ’80,  History/European Cultural Studies Program            
Elizabeth R Gavis, Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Molecular Biology
Mark Brynildsen, Associate Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Carlos G. Correa, PhD Student, Neuroscience
Isabella Lloyd-Damnjanovic ’17, Sociology
Bianca Swidler ’21, Physics
Elizabeth Bentley, Lecturer, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Harold Shipman, Professor, Molecular Biology
Justine Levine, Dean, Rockefeller College
Eliot Quataert, Charles A. Young Professor, Astrophysical Sciences
Tiffany C. Cain, Cotsen Postdoctoral Fellow/Lecturer, Princeton Society of Fellows/Anthropology & the Humanities Council
Matthew Larsen, Cotsen Postdoctoral Fellow; Lecturer, Society of Fellows; Religion
Alice Pisani, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Astrophysical Sciences
Maya Kronfeld, Cotsen Fellow in Humanistic Studies, Princeton Society of Fellows, Lecturer in Comparative Literature
Kate Macakanja ’23, Astrophysics
Alec Green, Lecturer, Economics
Goni Halevi, PhD candidate, Department of Astrophysical Sciences
Jonathan Henry, Postgraduate Research Associate, Religion

Megan Baumhammer, PhD Candidate, History of Science
Joshua Lachter, Lecturer, History

Adrienne M. Raphel, Lecturer in the Princeton Writing Program

Dan Trueman, Professor of Music; Director of Princeton Sound Kitchen

Sharon Washio '20, Neuroscience

Robert Burkhardt, President, Class of 1962, English

Naomi Shifrin '22, Sociology

Dennis P Boyle, Staff Research Physicist PPPL, PS&T, '16 Astrophysical Sciences (Program in Plasma Physics)

Pia Wilson, Sr. Buyer Purchasing, PPPL

Ebony Griffin, Procurement Coordinator (PPPL), Procurement

Kathryn Ogletree, Creative consultant, Film and television, New York Film Academy

Ahmed Diallo, Principal Research Physicist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Julia Wilcots '16, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Emily Sun, Graduate Student, CEE

Jamie Reuland, Assistant Professor, Music

Fazal I Sheikh '87, Artist-in-Residence, Princeton Environmental Institute

Margaret E. Kevin-King, Building and Grounds Supervisor, PPPL, Facility and Site Services

Meghan Testerman, Behavioral Sciences Librarian, Princeton University Library

Kimia Shahi, PhD Candidate, Department of Art & Archaeology

Emma Thompson, Graduate Student, Religion

Andreas Strasser, PhD Student, German

Isiah C. White, Engineering & Manufacturing Consultant, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (nee Aerospace & Mechanical Sciences) '76

Kenneth Hammond, Staff Research Physicist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Rudresh Mahanthappa, Senior Lecturer, Director of Jazz, Music

Seth Fleischauer, Progressive Educator '01, Psychology

Gerry Yokota, Professor Emerita, Osaka University (‘92), East Asian Studies

Alex Martinez '20, Philosophy

Arin Champati ’22, Computer Science

Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz, Lecturer, Comparative Literature

Remi Yamazaki ’14, Comparative Literature

Deborah Gisele Hope , esq. Dartmouth ‘76, Georgetown U. Law Center ‘84. Because allyship is a verb.

Dr. Gordon W. Douglas '42, Biology

Pepper Provenzano, writer, former journalist (Salt Lake Tribune), Wire editor (international news)

Nancy Biagini, MA ODKM ‘15, GMU, Schar School of Policy and Government

M Cathy Harmon-Christian, PhD, Theology teacher, Catholic Social Teaching and Social Justice

Anya C Bartelmann, Astrophysics, Mathematics, and Physics Librarian, Princeton University Library

Julie Cates, Sixth Grade Teacher, Public Sector

Randolph E Snow ’71, Philosophy

Lauren Pierce Bush ’06, Anthropology

Maria Flores-Mills, Former Associate Dean, Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students

Emma G. Somers, MD, Comparative Literature, ’05

Monica Youn, Lecturer, Creative Writing, Program in Creative Writing

Jennifer Peng ’17, Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Brandon Bark ’13, Classics

Perrin Lathrop, PhD Candidate, Art & Archaeology

Janice Chou ’10, Molecular Biology

Janel Callon ’87, History, NES

Katherine Copenhagen, Postdoctoral Researcher, Physics, Lewis-Sigler Institute

Jennifer Calivas, Lecturer, Lewis Center for the Arts

Anthony Ambrosini, Lecturer, Neuroscience

Mélena Laudig, Graduate Student, Religion

Lília Moritz Schwarcz, Visiting Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Cynthia Morgan '10, History

Rafe Steinhauer ’07, Former Lecturer and founding Entrepreneurial Program Manager of Tiger Challenge, Keller Center

Robert Cushnie '76, Civil Engineering

John Morán González '88, J. Frank Dobie Regents Professor of American & English Literature, University of Texas at Austin

Madeleine Andrews, Graduate Student, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Will Penman, Lecturer, Princeton Writing Program

Squirrel Walsh, Digital Imaging Technician, Princeton University Library

Marissa J. Smith, Ph.D., ’15, Anthropology

Tina Treadwell, Founder/CEO Treadwell Entertainment Group, ’80, English

Willow Dressel, Engineering Librarian, Princeton University Library

Melina Acevedo Loayza '16, Chemistry

Tiffany Hwang '12, Bridge Engineer, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Liz Perego, Postdoctoral Research Associate, NES

Jeffrey Snyder, Director of Electronic Music, Music Department

Laurna Godwin Hutchinson '81, English and American Studies

D. Graham Burnett, Professor of History and History of Science ('93), History (and IHUM Program)

Blake Grindon, G3, History

David Walsh, GS '20, History

Vivian Chang, Civic Engagement Manager ’17, School of Policy and International Affairs (SPIA)

Carol Ann Austin, PPPL - Administrative Manager, PPPL - Office of the Director

Hope Johnson, Staff member, Princeton Gerrymandering Project

George Aumoithe, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, 2018-20, History

Aaron Barden, Legal & Policy Analyst, Princeton Gerrymandering Project

Brian Zack '72, P04, M.D., Biochemistry (now Molecular Biology)

Jaan Altosaar PhD '20, Physics

Jordan Stallworth ’21 SPIA

Ali Valenzuela, Assistant Professor, Politics and the Program in Latino Studies

Anadelia Romo PhD '96, History

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