Pre-registration is now closed: 21/9 Lukáš Oravec Quartet feat Kálmán Oláh & Maciej Sikała 

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Please note: Pre-registration is now closed - those of you who have registered await a confirmation email from Stallet Världens Musik if you have received tickets to the concert. 


Wednesday, September 21, 7pm (doors 6pm) 

The venue: Stallet Världens Musik, Stallgatan 7, Stockholm 

Please note - limited number of seats! 

The Lukáš Oravec Quartet was established in early 2012, their quality immediately attracting the attention of jazz enthusiasts. The band played many club gigs and at many festivals all over Europe. 2012 The Quartet won the highest prize "Young Faces of Slovak Jazz" and also "prize for interpretation performance" for the leader of the band. Quartet released 5 albums with many special guests such as Bob Mintzer, Danny Grissett, Seamus Blake, Vincent Herring and many others. Lukas Oravec with his band was five times Awarded for best Slovak jazz album of the year. Quartet often works with members of the jazz scene, such as Aaron Goldberg, Bob Mintzer, Tony Lakatos, Danny Grissett, Vincent Herring, Wayne Escoffery, Seamus Blake, Slovak Sinfonietta, Moravian Philharmonic and many others. During the ten-year existence of the Quartet, they played more than 200 concerts in 20 countries worldwide.

Maciej Sikała (PL) 

polish tenor and soprano saxophonist, composer. 

Lukáš Oravec (SK) 

slovak flugelhorn and trumpet player, composer, big band leader and producer. 

Kálmán Oláh (HU)

a native of Hungary, jazz pianist Kálmán Oláh has gained international renown as an artist who masterfully combines elements of jazz, folk and contemporary classical music. 

Marián Ševčík (SK)

is one of the most influential Slovak jazz drummers of his generation. 

Tomáš Baroš (CZ) 

renown bass player, composer

The concert is organized by the Slovak Embassy, Czech Embassy, Polish Embassy, Hungarian Embassy, Czech Center an Polish Institute in Stockholm, under the Slovak Presidency of the Visegrad Group (V4)

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