Join the Online Community of Changemakers!
The Online Community of Changemakers is a virtual forum open to anyone who identifies as an individual from an insular religious group (IRG) and a changemaker working to challenge the status quo for IRG disaffiliates. 

Please reply to the questions below. Following the completion of the form, our Community Manager, Lindsay Rodriguez, will reach out to schedule a very brief call with you to verify your identity, learn more about your interests and work so we can connect you with the right resources .We take the safety and integrity of our Changemaker community seriously, which is why we take this additional step to ensure it remains a safe space by and for IRG disaffiliates.

You are welcome to use an alias rather than your real name, that is fine. Your contact information will not be shared with any third parties. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name
Last Name
Email *
Phone Number
From which IRG* are you from? *
*We use IRG as shorthand for insular religious group. 
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