Everyday Bicycling Seminar Request Form
Bring the Washington Area Bicyclist Association to your workplace!

We'll deliver an Everyday Biking Seminar and inspire your colleagues to give bike commuting, bike errands. and other everyday biking a try.

Everyday Biking is a short interactive presentation designed to provide the basics of how to safely and easily fit biking into your life. We explore:

- how to make sure your bike is in good working order,
- how to plan a good route,
- how to feel comfortable and confident on your bike,
- rules and etiquette of the road and trail,
- how to carry the things you need to carry, and more!

During the presentation, our trained staff will answer questions, address concerns, and resolve those nagging issues that keep people from biking. (In our experience, everyone who isn't biking but wants to has that one nagging issue!)

The full Seminar takes only an hour, and we provide every participant with a bike law guide, quick start guide, local bike maps, an opportunity to take a free WABA bike safety and skills class, and materials on upcoming bike-related events, activities, and programs.

To request and schedule a commuter seminar, please complete this form.
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Coordinator first name *
Coordinator last name *
Coordinator email *
Coordinator phone number *
Employer name *
Employer type *
Employer size *
Expected attendance *
Available times of day to hold the seminar *
Would you like to host this in-person or online? *
In order to deliver a successful Seminar we need to ensure adequate attendance. *
We will provide you with a poster and boiler plate language and a poster to promote the Seminar. Please check the boxes below to show you agree to:
Please check the boxes of amenities we will have access to during our Seminar
Please let us know if you have any questions.
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