Equipment Reservation Form
This form shall be accomplished by PPMF clients who availed the facility's Equipment Rental services and shall stand as a form for equipment reservations. Please ensure that all submitted information are correct and updated. 

The Client shall adhere to the facility's Sample Submission Requirements and provide their own consumables including, but not limited to, assay kits, buffers, reagents, column, tubes, and tips required for their experiments. All assay kits, buffers and reagents must be compatible with the PPMF equipment to be used. The Client must ensure that the reagents and chemicals are prepared accordingly (e.g. degassed, filtered, sterilized). The Client holds responsibility for the quality of results and analysis of their experiment. Furthermore, the Client shall be held liable for any damages in any PPMF equipment or property incurred during the execution of the experiment. Lastly, the Client shall be supervised by one PPMF staff during the course of equipment use.

For more information on the equipment, you may visit our website at

To know the availability of equipment, you may visit . Should you reschedule your reservation, please email us at at least three (3) days before the set scheduled date with the subject "EQPT RESCHED: [Equipment]".  Short cancellation notice (24 hours before) or rescheduling on the day of their reserved schedule shall be subject to penalties.

Data Privacy

The PPMF recognizes its responsibilities under the Republic Act No. 10173 (Act), also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, with respect to the data it collects, records, organizes, updates, uses, or consolidates from the personnel. The personal data obtained from this form is entered and stored within the facility's authorized information and communications system and will only be accessed by the PPMF authorized personnel. The PPMF has instituted appropriate organizational, technical and physical security measures to ensure the protection of the client's personal data.

Furthermore, the information collected and stored in the portal shall only be used for the following purpose: Collecting, processing and reporting of documents related to the operational services and administrative efforts of the Facility.

PPMF shall not disclose the client's personal information without their consent and shall retain this information over a set period for the effective implementation and management of facility operations.

Version: 3.0
Date: September 2022
Prepared by: PGC-PPMF
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