UNLV 11th Annual American Marketing Association Western Regional Collegiate Conference
Attention all UNLV students and fellow AMA chapters! 

On Saturday, February 3rd, 2024, we will be hosting the 11th Annual UNLV AMA Western Regional Collegiate Conference! 

Our conference theme: 

A Career in Marketing: Experience it!

Learn about cutting-edge marketing and sales practices, with a focus on experiential marketing! This is a perfect opportunity where students will: 

1. Network with other college students from around the country. 
2. Participate in marketing competitions. 
3. Share and learn from each other in a friendly environment. 
4. Listen to a keynote delivered by Karen Alonso, the President of the Las Vegas AMA chapter. 
5. Be surrounded by a value-added interactive event that exposes students to the field of marketing with a focus on experiential marketing!

Free lunch will be provided. The conference is free for all students so bring a friend and RSVP! You do not need to be an AMA member or a Lee Business School student to participate. 

Event Timing: Saturday, February 3, 2024 from 9 am - 4:30 pm

Event Address: Black Fire Innovation | 8400 W. Sunset Rd. Suite 400 Las Vegas, Nevada 89113

Contact UNLV AMA at unlvama@gmail.com with any questions. 

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