Membership Application
I'm thrilled that you want to join our Radical Authenticity Conscious Communication Practice Circle!

THIS CIRCLE IS CURRENTLY INACTIVE. Submitting an application will let me know you are interested in joining when the circle becomes active again.

Membership is on a monthly basis. You can join us for just one month or stay with us month after month for ongoing support and deepening. Financial investment is TBD.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me at

I look forward to connecting with you!

💕 Teri
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Email *
Email Confirmation *
It's amazing how often I mistype my email! I don't want to miss you because of that.
Name *
Phone Number *
Pronouns *
Familiarity & Experience *
How much familiarity do you have with conscious communication frameworks (NVC, authentic relating, etc.) and/or experience in practicing it?
Total newbie
Pretty advanced
Please elaborate... *
What exposure/experience do you have? (No judgment here — just to help me better support you!)
Growth Edges *
What do you want the most support with? Pick your top 3-5 (or all of them! 😜)
Additional Info
Anything else you want me to know about your experience, needs, or preferences?
Participation is Key *
I understand that my collaborative, open participation and engagement is foundational to the benefit I give and receive in this practice circle.
Confidentiality is Expected *
I understand that the personal details I and others share are expected to be held confidentially and that only my own experience may be shared outside of the group.
This is Not Therapy *
I understand that while this work is therapeutic in nature, it is not psychotherapy nor a substitute for appropriate clinical care.
Oppression is Real *
I understand that all relational struggles are contextualized by one's social position within supremacy culture and that developing this awareness and understanding is part of the work of conscious communication.
Committed to Wholeness *
I am committed to recognizing and unlearning my internalized biases against marginalized voices, both internal & external, and understand this means I may receive calling-in feedback with this intention.
Financial Exchange *
I will determine the monthly cost of the group when I'm ready to relaunch it. How much do you think you would exchange on a monthly basis for membership? (your answer would not effect your membership acceptance.)
Additional Info
Anything you want me to know about your willingness and/or ability to abide by these agreements?
What questions do you have about me or this circle?
Anything you're curious or confused about that I can clarify or elaborate on?
How did you find out about this circle? *
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