Joining Japan Cultural Exchange of New York
Thank you for your interest in joining the Japan Cultural Exchange of New York!  We offer Conversation and Chess clubs as a part of giving back to our community. We also offer affordable semi-private and private lessons. Anyone can join our group!  This form is for signing up as a member of JCXNY. Please see the separate application forms for our individual clubs on our website.  Call Chieko at 913-742-3415 to discuss your needs and schedules.  If you have financial difficulties or questions, please let us know.  We are a non-profit organization 501(c)3 and all monetary contributions are tax deductible.  
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Your name
Please write your child's name, grade, interests etc. (if applicable) 
Which option(s) apply to you?
Which club(s) or classes are you interested in?
If you are interested in one-on-one (online or in-person) tutoring, please select which tutoring option(s).
Questions, comments, or suggestions
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