Event Marketing Grant Request 2023
Special Event Grant Program Policies
The mission of the Texas Hill Country River Region (THCRR) is to promote Uvalde County as an overnight year-round tourism destination and to increase off-season occupancy in the regions’ accommodations. The organization is funded by a hotel occupancy tax through a contract with Uvalde County. Event funding requests will be reviewed by THCRR to ensure the event is in line with our mission and meets certain criteria as stated by the Tax Code.  Under the Tax Code, every event, program, or facility funded with hotel occupancy tax revenues must be likely to do two things:
1) directly promote tourism; and
2) directly promote the convention and hotel industry.

The Texas Hill Country River Region grant program is designed to support events in Uvalde County with funding to augment the event’s marketing budget. The intent is to help events market outside our local area to draw in attendees from out of the area who will stay longer in our community.
A Post Event report is required to be submitted to be considered for future funding.

Event Requirements
Event must be likely to directly promote tourism and overnight lodging rentals in the county
show promise as a new event or program, or growth potential for a successful existing event
are scheduled during slower economic periods such as off-peak and shoulder seasons
Recognition of THCRR must be included on all printed material and the organization’s Web site and referred to in public relations activities.
link to THCRR’s website at visituvaldecounty.com

Grant Policies & Miscellaneous
A “Special Event” shall be defined as a new or existing organized concert, exhibition, festival, fair, conference, sporting event or celebration which is conducted according to a prearranged schedule and in which general public interest is manifested. For the purpose of this grant program, the public interest should extend to those living outside Uvalde County who would consider visiting the destination and staying overnight to observe or participate.
Allowable expenses shall include the following:
Promotion, marketing and programming expenses, paid advertising that reaches beyond Uvalde County with potential to drive overnight visitation, and media buys including production and technical expenses.  The Application requires all applicants to describe how the grant funds will be used.

A Post-Event Report must be submitted. The report must include, if possible, tracking statistics regarding out-of-town visitors and their overall impact on the local economy, particularly on overnight lodging facilities and occupancy. Failure to submit a complete Post-Event Report will result in disqualification for support.

Request for funding must be made at least 60 days prior to the event, and before printing of marketing materials that could include sponsor logo.

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Email *
Event Name *
Event Description *
Event Date *
Event Location *
Organization Producing/Hosting the Event
Type of Event *
Is this an annual event? If so, how many years has it occurred? *
Dollar Amount Requested
How many people do you expect to be in attendance? *
Description of target market served by event (age/geographic/interest): *
Where will guests primarily stay overnight? *
Have you applied for funding from THCRR for this event before? *
How do you plan to use the funds for this event? Please be as specific as possile. *
How will you promote Uvalde County as a part of your promotional campaign? How will you incorporate the Visit Uvalde County logo into your advertising/promotional campaign? *
What is the impact you expect from this event? (What is the projected increase in terms of overnight rentals, HOT revenue, new visitors, longer stays, etc...?)
How will you collect the necessary data to measure the impact of your event?
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