Join the 2024 WTS-LA Career Mentorship Program!
We are seeking mentors and mentees to participate in the 2024 WTS - Los Angeles Career Mentorship Program!
This WTS members-only program was developed for women who are seeking guidance to successfully advance to the next level in their careers and women who enjoy sharing their career path experiences with other women in the transportation field. 
In addition to the one-on-one mentorship sessions, WTS-LA will facilitate engaging programs to meet with your mentorship partner, discuss key topics and provide tailored learning opportunities for burgeoning professionals.
Space is limited. Please submit your interest by:
  1. Completing our online application form (for both mentors and mentees) below and 
  2. Emailing your resume to by April 10, 2024. 

With this information, the WTS-LA mentorship committee will pair mentors/mentees in advance of the kick-off program in spring. Please be prepared to participate in the program through November 2024. 
 Not a WTS member? JOIN NOW!
Questions? Email us at
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1) First and Last Name *
2) Job Title *
3) Company *
4) Email Address *
5) Cell-phone Number *
6) In an effort to pair mentors and protégés in close proximity, please provide preferred meeting locations: *
7) Are you a current WTS-LA member (mentorship program requires membership in WTS-LA)? *
8) In which position are you interested? *
9) How many years of experience do you have in your field? *
10) Which industry best represents what you do? *
11) What do you hope to gain from participating in the Mentorship Program? *
12) What types of career programs are you interested in for the Mentorship Program group events?  In which areas are you interested in developing yourself professionally (for example: leadership skills, presentation skills, building professional relationships, business development, etc.)? *
13a) What is most important to you when being matched with a mentor/protégé?                                          I would like to be matched with someone:  within my industry only. *
Not Important
Very Important
13b) I would like to be matched with someone:  outside my industry. *
Not Important
Very Important
13c) I would like to be matched with:  female *
Not Important
Very Important
13d) I would like to be matched with:  male *
Not Important
Very Important
14) Please identify any special circumstances that we should be aware of when matching you with a mentor/protégé (e.g. conflict of interest situations).  If none, state "n/a." *
15) Which of the following method(s) do you prefer to communicate with your mentor/protégé?  Select all that apply. *
16) What is your preference for meeting days?  Select all that apply. *
17) The WTS-LA newsletter will highlight mentorship events throughout the duration of the program.  Do you give WTS-LA permission to use your photograph in the newsletter? *
18) Is there anything else the Mentorship Committee  should know?
19) By submitting this application form, you agree to the "WTS-LA Confidentiality and Disclosure Commitment" written below.  Please confirm you have read and agree to the "Confidentiality and Disclosure Commitment" by typing your name below as your signature, and indicating today's date. *
Captionless Image
20) Did you email your resume to (Name the file "2024_Mentor_LastName_FirstName" or "2024_Protege_LastName_FirstName") *
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