AAJA Affinity Group Renewal/Application Form 2022
This form is to collect applications for AAJA's affinity groups. Please enter the email of the director email in the required email field in order for Google Forms to be able to send you a copy of your form response.  If you have any questions, please email svp@aaja.org. Thank you!
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Affinity Group Name
Name of Director
Director Email
Director Phone Number
Please provide name, e-mail and phone number of any co-directors of the group
Current social media accounts, if any
Proposed vision statement
Please provide one session or workshop idea that could be incorporated into either convention or year-round programming that would support members of your group. This does not need to be a formal pitch; the purpose is to describe the issues or topics that may be of interest to your members. *
There must be at least 50 current AAJA members, in order for your group to be approved. Please provide the names of at least 50 members below.*
Applicant Name
Applicant Signature (electronic signature)
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