Southeastern Psychological Associates Therapy INTEREST FORM
Southeastern Psychological Associates provides behavioral, talk and play therapy services for children 4 and up, teenagers and adults. We are located at 3155 Mill Street NE, Covington, Georgia. We accept most Medicaid/Medicare plans, Tricare, and most private insurance, but you should check with your insurance provider for specific coverage and costs. This is not a guarantee that we have current availability. After filling out this form, we will let you know if we are able to schedule you at this time.

We are not an emergency facility. For emergencies or other mental health referrals, call the Georgia Crisis & Access Line at 1-800-715-4225.   We do not provide medication management. 

Call us with questions at 678-712-6520, Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., or email 

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Client's name - Last, First (one per form) *
To include a nickname: Brown, Charlie "Chuck" 
Date of Birth Must CURRENTLY be at least 4 years of age. *
If client is under 18, list the parent or legal guardian to contact:
Address *
Our service area is Newton, Rockdale, Walton & Jasper Counties
Cell Phone *
We use text messaging. If this is a home phone or you otherwise cannot receive texts from us, note that by your number.
E-mail *
Your paperwork will be sent to this e-mail.
Insurance (type & ID number) or "none" *
Why are you interested in therapy?  *
Please list your current symptoms or concerns, as well as any prior mental health diagnoses or substance abuse concerns. 
When are you available for therapy? 
Mark all that apply.
Which format(s) are you willing to use for therapy?
Virtual is most often only available for people 16 years old and up. If you begin as a virtual client, you will mostly likely remain virtual and be unable to later swap to in person.
Has this client ever been a client at Southeastern Psychological Associates? *
Is this person currently seeing any other mental health therapist for behavioral, talk or play therapy?  *
I understand that (please check all): *
To complete your interest form, we need a photo of the client or parent/legal guardian's ID and a front & back copy of your insurance card(s). If there are custody/guardianship papers applicable in this case, those must also be sent. Text the photos and the client's name to 770-686-7313‬ or use one of the following options. *
If you were referred by someone, or believe your doctor may have already sent files regarding this client, please list that information here.

If you are referring a client to us, please include your name, agency/business, e-mail and phone. 
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