Speak Up for BTU Contract Demands!
Our contract expired on August 31 and the time to speak up is now! Please complete the form below to commit to speaking up for our contract demands.

Learn more and keep up with bargaining summaries and updates at btu.org/bargaining. 

Use non-BPS emails only.
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Email *
BPS ID (if you are not a BTU member you can put "0") *
Name *
School (or department if you are not school-based) *
Phone number *
What actions are you ready to take? (check all that apply) *
Which contract priorities are you passionate to speak on? *
To best help us match people with speaking opportunities, please briefly explain what story you have to tell (ex: I can no longer afford to live in Boston OR ex: when I got a second license my students lost an additional educator)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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