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Q1) Electrochemistry deals with the production of electricity from *
1 point
Q2) Galvanic or a voltaic cell converts the chemical energy liberated during a redox reaction to *
1 point
Q3) Electrolytic cell uses electrical energy to bring about *
1 point
Q4) Fundamental difference between an electrolytic cell and the galvanic cell is that in electrolytic cell *
1 point
Q5) Standard electrode potential is measured taking the concentrations of all the species involved in a half-cell is *
1 point
Q6) Standard hydrogen electrode operated under standard conditions of 1 atm H2 pressure, 298K, and pH = 0 has a cell potential of *
1 point
Q7) Difference between electronic and ionic (electrolytic) conductivity is that electronic conductance takes place in metals by movement of ________ and electrolytic conductance takes place in solutions by movement of ----- *
1 point
Q8) Conductivity always decreases with decrease in concentration both, for weak and strong electrolytes because of the fact that *
1 point
Q9) Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions states *
1 point
Q10) According to Faraday’s First Law of Electrolysis 'the amount of chemical reaction which occurs at any electrode during electrolysis by a current is proportional to the *
1 point
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