Submit Your #MovingForward Stories
We are asking the community for anonymous stories to serve as data points for how #MovingForward is positively impacting or changing the VC-founder dynamics. We may decide to share selected submitted stories on our website and other written materials. We will not attribute your story without your consent.

Responses to this form can be seen by #MovingForward's Executive Director, Ginny Fahs, and founding teammates Tracy Chou, Andy Coravos, and Cheryl Sew Hoy.

If you would like to identify yourself to us or contribute via email, please contact us at

Thank you for being part of this community!
1. Are you a *
2. Has #MovingForward's work impacted you or your firm in a positive way? *
3. Please share a relevant story for how #MovingForward had impacted you or your firm *
For example: You're a VC firm and have received reports since your policy and reporting contact was established or made public. You're a founder who has filed a harassment/discrimination complaint via a listed firm contact. You're a founder who has made decisions on which firm to take funding from based on their stance on harassment & diversity. Any other relevant story.
4. Please share if you have any feedback on how #MovingForward can better move the needle to tackle harassment & discrimination issues in VC
5. Feel free to leave your name, company name and email if you'd like (not required)
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