Stay-at-Home Quiz No. 16
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Question 1 *
What are numbers that are not prime known as?
Question 2 *
Which part of an egg is used to make mayonnaise?
Question 3 *
What animal gives its name to a pedestrian crossing?
Question 4 *
In what book would you find the character of Mowgli?
Question 5 *
Seoul is the capital of which country?
Question 6 *
Where in the body would you find the dermis and the epidermis?
Question 7 *
What is the name of food prepared according to Jewish law?
Question 8 *
What is the name of a word made by rearranging the letters of another word?
Question 9 *
What does an entomologist study?
Question 10 *
In what year did the Easter Rising take place?
Question 11 *
How many Dalmatians in the Disney film?
Question 12 *
Cén Gaeilge atá ar “grey”?
Question 13 *
What colour is scarlet?
Question 14 *
What colour ball is worth six points in snooker?
Question 15 *
Which famous artist cut off his own ear?
Question 16 *
What Galway town is well known for its annual horse fair?
Question 17 *
In times gone by, who might have used a "Davy Lamp"?
Question 18 *
What do you call a pair of brass or bronze plates, struck together to make a sound, as part of an orchestra?
Question 19 *
What was a "Penny Black"?
Question 20 *
What is measured on a "Richter Scale"?
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