Highlander Engineering 2024 - 2025 Executive Applications
Thank you for showing interest in applying for an executive position at Highlander Engineering. This year, we are excited to introduce some new roles. Please read the information document carefully to understand that requirements you need in order to apply to various positions and the structure of the team. This year's applications will close on Jun 24, 2024, at 11:59pm, make sure to submit yours before it closes! Applicants who have passed this stage will receive an email regarding interview details.

Information Link

There is a recommend word limit for all paragraph responses and can be exceeded by a maximum of 50 words. It is strongly recommended to create detailed responses so that we can get to know you better!
Email *
Full Name *
Grade *
School *
What is your first choice role that you are applying for? *
What is your second choice role that you are applying for? (Optional)
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How many hours can you typically spend on Highlander Engineering each week? *
Introduce yourself. Do not mention your name.(500 char max) *
Why do you want to join Highlander Engineering? (500 char max)
What makes you stand out from other applicants? State all relevant experience that is related to the positions that you applied for. (800 char max) *
Do you have any ideas on what can be improved, changed, modified to make Highlander Engineering better? (800 char max) *
If you and 99 random people were selected for a challenge for one million dollars, and you were selected to choose any challenge, what would you choose and why? (500 char max) *
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