B'nai Torah MetroWest Yizkor Remembrance Book 5874/2023

The Book of Remembrance is a special tradition that provides the opportunity to list the names of our departed and keep their memories close to us. This beautiful book also serves as a prayer book during the Yom Kippur Yizkor service. 

If you would like to include a name(s), please complete and submit the form below. A contribution of $18 per name is requested.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to btmpresident@bnaitorahmetrowest.org or 508-203-1833.
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Your Name(s) *
Your email address:

Your Cell Phone Number:
Names of those you wish to be remembered. 

Please list how would you like your name to appear in the Book of Remembrance (i.e.- The Siegel Family or Amy, Matt, Rachel, and Jason Siegel). *
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