PGRs against low pay - open letter to UKRI
This form will add your signature to the open letter when you click submit. The letter can be found at this link:
Please read and then return here to sign!

We welcome signatures from all PGRs/PhD students (regardless of funding source) and from other supporters.

UPDATE 5pm Wed 29th Jun: We have now hit 5000 signatures, less than 51 hours since launching. Keep sharing to keep the pressure up! You can share this link:
UPDATE noon Tues 5th Jul: We have just hit 10,000 signatures! This includes 6,772 PGRs signing (one in 17 PGRs in the UK and well over one in 10 who are directly funded by UKRI)!
UPDATE 12:25pm Thurs 4th Aug: 10,000 PGRs have now signed the letter (at least 5,000 of whom are UKRI-funded) along with over 4,000 supporters.
UPDATE Sun 4 Sep: A VICTORY! UKRI have announced a 10% increase in the base stipend rate beyond what they had previously announced. This is huge and will mean some of you who would have had to drop out can now afford to continue your PhDs. The almost 15,000 of us in this campaign won this victory: UKRI have admitted they changed their minds and improved the offer. This update still isn't enough to meet all PGRs' cost of living needs, so the campaign continues, nationally and locally. As well as signing the letter, please complete our survey on ongoing campaigning if you are a PGR:

[Data protection statement: All personal and other data collected by this form may be published on the open letter in the list of signatories, except for data entered in response to the email address question at the end (and your name if you tick “please keep my name anonymous”). Data entered in response to the email address question (and name if anonymous) will be kept in a password protected database with access by a few PGRs Against Low Pay campaign volunteers, and will be used only for the purposes stated, i.e. to provide campaign updates and verify data. By submitting your information, you confirm your consent for your data to be captured, stored and used in these ways.]
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Full Name *
Sign anonymously?
Whilst we encourage signatories to display their names, we recognise that some will be wary of doing so. Please feel free to tick this box if you have any particular concerns. Your name would be recorded as ‘Anonymous’ on the open letter. Campaign volunteers would store your name to confirm there are no duplicate signatures.
Role *
University or institution *
Other university, institution, or affiliation
If you chose "Other" for the previous question, please enter your university, institution, or other affiliation here.
If you are a PGR, who provides your funding?
This will help us know and show the spread of our support across PGRs. DTPs and CDTs are listed alphabetically after other major funding sources.
Other funding source
If you chose "Other" for the previous question, you can enter your funder here.
Email address
Please include your email address if you wish to be updated on this campaign. By providing your email address you consent to be contacted regarding campaign updates. This will be stored and shared with a few campaign volunteers for this purpose. It will not be made public.
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