Application: Project Pericles Civic Engagement Mini-Grants

Project Pericles invites faculty and staff to apply for a Civic Engagement Mini-Grants empowering students to engage with public issues in inclusive and collaborative ways in order to foster more positive and broader civic participation. Fellows receive a $1,000 grant to design and implement projects, assignments and/or activities and are required to share this work with others through submitting a brief guide outlining the resources utilized, the activities conducted, and report on outcomes achieved. The program is supported by the Mellon Foundation and the Eugene M. Lang Foundation.

Prospective applicants will draw upon and build upon existing Civic Engagement Resources and/or develop and test out course materials in their own classrooms that can be shared with a broader base of faculty through Project Pericles’ Civic Engagement Resource Database.

Please see the Request for Proposals document for more information.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
College/University *
Where is your institution located? (City, State) *
Please check all that apply for your institution. 
Fill in "other" if there is something else you would like us to know about your institution.
Title *
Role at the institution: *
How did you hear about this fellowship (be as specific as possible please)? 
Which track are you applying to? 

See the Request for Proposals document for details about these tracks. 
Brief Proposal 
Proposals are 1,000 words or less and address the following:
  • For the track, Beyond Media Literacy: Enhancing Information Ecosystems to Bridge Divides:  This track supports faculty to implement class assignments/activities to analyze, engage with, and/or challenge our polarized and often overwhelming information ecosystems. Media consumption has created echo chambers, undermining our social fabric and our ability to have a truly informed citizenry which is foundational to democracy. Describe what you plan to implement. How will proposed activities expand students’ perspectives, foster constructive dialogue, and/or bridge ideological divides through analyzing and engaging with different media and communications? 
  • For the track:, Deliberative Dialogue: What course will you be implementing a the deliberative dialogue in? Please describe the dialogue topic you will facilitate in your course. How does it bridge academic content with real-world issues? 
  • For the Voting Rights Expansion Track please cover: How do you plan to draw upon the Voter Activation Modules, and in particular the Voter Suppression Module? Is this in a course or co-curricular activity? How do you plan to educate students about the importance of voter engagement, the history of voting rights, and/or strategies to overcome present-day challenges to voting and civic participation.
Please also briefly address how your proposal fits within a humanities orientationCourses and co-curricular activities should have a humanities orientation and/or draw upon humanistic inquiry, but do not explicitly have to be in the arts and humanities. Faculty and staff outside the humanities might benefit from drawing upon a brief illustrative statement by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences under the heading, “The Humanities in American Life” to describe  humanities competencies and activities in their proposal:
  • strive to promote the intellectual development and lifelong education of citizens;
  • respond to the need, in a democracy, for programs that help citizens more fully understand their nation's government, history, culture, and principles; and/or
  • promote citizen reflection on ways of responding to the world.

Note that selection criteria includes: 
  • Academic or co-curricular rigor and overall quality of project 
  • Replicability for other colleagues to embed into their own classroom/campus activities
  • Relevance to current public, civic, and social issues
  • Creativity 
  • Demonstrated need for support and/or connection with working with historically underserved groups

Please provide your proposal in the space below. 
The proposal is for *
By submitting a proposal, applicants understand if awarded the grant:
1. The grant award should be used at the discretion of the institution and the awardee. 
2. Fellows will report on their accomplishments and share educational resources developed as fellows. 
3. Fellows’ work may be shared on the Project Pericles Civic Engagement Resources webpages. Work will be credited to the fellow. 
Please view the RFP for more information about the program. 
On a case by case basis, we can consider distributing the money differently (IE: $500 up front, $500 at the end.)  Please check off this box if you request a different funding timeline. 

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