Pomelo Junto 
Hey there Roastery Owner!

Happy to hear you're considering applying for the next Junto.

Filling out this form will help determine who will be in each group and how to best serve the members.

The next Junto starts in June '25  and runs through December '25.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Luke at pomelocoffee@gmail.com.
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Email *
What is your name? *
What is the name of your business? *
How many employees do you have? *
How many years have you been in business? *
Roughly,  what is your topline revenue?  *
What days are best for you to to meet? - Select all that apply. *
What time frames are better for you? - Select all that apply. *
What time zone are you in? *
Which Tier are you interested in? *
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