Wellness Matters Booking Form
Book your Wellness Seminar, Event, Personal Training, Consultation today! Are you an organization, Small business, corporation, Franchise, School, or are you in need of coaching for your family or interested in a one on one wellness consultation or Personal Training?

You can also book Ria for Zumba, Boot camps, Circuit workouts, Aerobics, Stretch, and Strength/toning sessions and keynote speaking/seminar.

Whatever the need or desire, you have taken the first step to becoming well.

Keynote speaker and Wellness Coach, Ria Mixon is a firm believer that our goals in life can not be accomplished unless we are well enough to pursue them.

Ria is an Entrepeneur from Bushwick Brooklyn New York. She is bilingual and speaks fluent Spanish.
​She has been in the Talent/Fashion/Entertainment & MakeUp Artist  Business since 1990 to present.

​Ria started out in the business as a dancer. She danced at Concerts and was chosen from thousands to tour. She has worked with several R & B Artist. Ria started to choreograph for numerous groups and artists during that time and for a reputable talent and model convention.

In 1991 Ria studied Fitness & Nutrition and became a group instructor and personal trainer. She currently still holds those credentials along with Wellness, Nutrition coach and has knowledge and experience with supplements.

There was a time in Ria’s  life that her health became a challenge. Undergoing numerous surgeries and treatments and surviving very difficult times, she refused to give up. Ria takes Wellness, fitness & nutrition very seriously and has learned how nutrition along with exercise can reverse the very most difficult health conditions. She released her first book called “Becoming Well”. It is a Fitness & Food journal book.

Allow Ria to guide you into Wellness. Her wellness seminar events that she hosts and speaks at is called “Wellness Matters” and she has a passion to educate all into or back into Wellness!

Contact info: riamali@icloud.com, 347-946-0454

*Price quotes will be sent upon receiving this form.
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If you would like to schedule an individual session or family session, please state your interest.
IF APPLICABLE-Business or organization name. Include website.
FOR EVENTS ONLY-How many people do you anticipate in attending Wellness seminar or consultation?
FOR EVENTS ONLY-Interested in a webinar instead of an in person seminar or consultation?
FOR EVENTS ONLY-Please state Budget for seminar event/Budget honorarium. Will you be charging per person or will you be responsible for the seminar expense?Additional Fees: Out of town and out of state charges such as travel accommodations should be taken in consideration when wanting to book Outside of Orlando Florida  
Date & Time requested *
FOR EVENTS ONLY-Full address where seminar will be conducted
Upon receiving this form, you will be contacted to further discuss the above details. Please include any additional comments, questions or information on here.
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