Transportation Request Form
Please provide the following information to request transportation for your child. Once the information has been processed, you will be contacted by the LCISD Transportation Department. Please allow 1-2 school days to process. ***PLEASE FILL OUT A SEPARATE BUS REQUEST FOR EACH CHILD IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD WHO WILL REQUIRE TRANSPORTATION.***

This form is for students who have NOT previously ridden a bus at Lubbock-Cooper ISD. Address changes must be handled through the campus office.

THIS FORM REQUIRES A STUDENT ID NUMBER. Your child's Student ID Number is also their lunch number, and may be familiar to them. If you do not know your child's Student ID Number, you can find it in Skyward Family Access using the instructions found here:

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Parent's name: *
Student's LAST name: *
Student's FIRST name: *
Student's middle initial:
Student's home address (please include city and ZIP code): *
Campus the student attends/will attend: *
Student's grade level: *
Emergency contact name: *
Emergency contact phone number: *
Parents of children in third grade or below must indicate whether their child can be dropped off at a bus stop and received by an adult, or if the student is permitted to walk home alone. Please indicate your selection below. If your child is in a grade higher than third grade, please select that option. (Your response will be considered official record.) *
THIS FORM REQUIRES YOU TO PROVIDE YOUR CHILD'S SIX-DIGIT STUDENT ID NUMBER BEFORE IT CAN BE SUBMITTED. Your child's Student ID Number is also their lunch number, and may be familiar to them. If you do not know your child's Student ID Number, you can find it in Skyward Family Access using the instructions found here:
Student ID Number: *
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