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NASC Member Map Information
Submit the form to be included on Member Map
** Please note: submissions for breeder pins and kennel links will not be accepted at this time.**
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* Indicates required question
Owner Name(s)
Your answer
Where are you located? (please provide city or region and state/province)
Your answer
Dog's Registered Name, or, Kennel Name
Please enter your dog's reg name, or, the kennel from which they were acquired (for verification purposes only, will not be listed publicly).
Your answer
Dog's Call Name
Please enter one dog only (you will have a chance to enter additional dogs later in the form).
Your answer
Male (neutered)
Male (intact)
Female (spayed)
Female (intact)
Dog's DOB
Please provide MM/DD, year is optional
Your answer
Are you willing to be contacted for or meet ups/other Shikoku or prospective owners?
If yes, we will require at least one contact method to be listed on the map.
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