TLDO Equipment Borrowing Form
Important Notes

To use our services, you must agree to all the following statements

1. This form is for staff members of Hong Kong Shue Yan University to apply for equipment loans to complete HKSYU-related tasks such as research and teaching projects.

2. The Teaching and Learning Development  Office (TLDO) reserves the right to suspend equipment usage at any time, and the borrowers must return all the rented equipment immediately.

By providing us with your phone number, you are explicitly consenting to our use of your number solely for the purpose of contacting you regarding lending and returning equipment(s).

Under no circumstances can the agreed duration of equipment borrowing be changed.

Equipment lending and returning are restricted to office hours of TLDO on weekdays only (9am-5pm), excluding school holidays and public holidays.

The application for borrowing equipment must be submitted no later than 5pm on seven working days prior to borrowing. Otherwise, the application will be rejected. 

7. For urgent lending of equipment, please
 email for approval.

All equipment loan requests must be submitted via this form. Our staff will respond as soon as possible through email or phone call after receiving your application. You are recommended to check your application status regularly.

Once your application has been approved, please arrive on time to collect the equipment. Otherwise, your equipment loan application will be cancelled without prior notice.

Before collecting equipment, please check for any damage or missing parts.

If the borrowed equipment is lost or unrepairable, the borrower will be required to compensate the University as per the original price of the equipment.

 Borrower should make sure you have received proper training and know how to operate the requested equipment before borrowing.

Technical support is not provided unless special circumstances arise. The borrower is responsible for troubleshooting any issues that may arise during the borrowing period.

Borrower should not factory reset the borrowed equipment without prior approval from TLDO.

For inquiries, please email or call 2804 8598.

reserves the right to modify or correct the terms contained herein at any time without prior notice.*

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1. Please read the above Important Notes first.
2. Date of Application *
3. Title of Applicant
4. Full Name of Applicant in English
5. Full Name of Applicant in Chinese
6. Work Unit (Department/Office/Centre/Laboratory/Library)
7. Position
8. University Email
9. Contact Number
10. The Purpose of Borrowing Equipment *
11. Request Pickup Date and Time
12. Equipment You Want To Borrow *
13. Quantity of Equipment You Want To Borrow *
14. Do you know how to operate the requested equipment? *
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