[Feedback] Augmented Reality Game - The Vault
Thank you so much for taking the time to test this new digital experience. Please fill out this form to let us know what you think and if you have encountered any technical issues.

If you need to contact us or send us any screenshots, please contact Clemence from Unwired Studio at this email address: clemence.debaig@gmail.com

Please note that this form will collect your responses anonymously.
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What device did you use to test the experience? *
Please specify brand and model (eg Apple iPhone 12 Pro or Samsung Galaxy S10+)
Which web browser did you use? *
Which chapter of the heist did you do? (If you did several, please fill out one form per heist stage) *
Did you manage to open the lock? *
If you haven't been succesful, please let us which answers you had found so far
Were there any clues too difficult or unclear?
Did you experience any technical issues or did anything not look right?
Let us know about any bugs, typos, misaligned visuals, etc. If you have any screenshots, please them to clemence.debaig@gmail.com
From a general point of view, what did you think of the experience? *
Let us know what you think of the visuals, the interactivity, etc
What did you think of the content included in the experience? *
Let us know if you learned anything new, if you found the content interesting, if you wanted to learn more, etc
Did you find anything difficult to use or was there something you didn't understand?
We want to make sure the experience is as easy to use as possible, let us know if anything wasn't clear
Could you think of anything (else) that could make the experience better for you?
New features, other type of content, etc
Anything else you'd like to tell us?
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