Norwich Neighborhoods
Please fill out this form to opt in to our Norwich neighborhoods program. This is a work in progress! We are a group of volunteers who have divided Norwich into neighborhoods (see below) with volunteer Area Captains (identified below).  If your area doesn't have an Area Captain, let us know if you will volunteer to do that.

Norwich is a community where we show up for our neighbors. Many people are volunteering ways to help and others are in need of help. We have created this form to collect information to assist our community with volunteer coordination of mutual aid. An aim is to help streamline the processes of asking for and giving help.

Our priority is to establish an informal mode of connection between neighbors.  Area Captains will see the information you provide on the form, but it will not be publicly available.  If an Area Captain can connect someone asking for help to someone seeking help, he or she will attempt to do so.  We will endeavor, as volunteers and to the extent we are healthy, to assist each other in being able to safely stay home, and have the means to establish and stay in connection with one another.  While we are keeping a safe social distance, we want to try to remain connected through this pandemic.  Thank you for taking care of each other right now. For questions or help with the form, please email Melissa Scanlan or call 649-7099.

Our next step is to review and codify responses in a way that makes it easier for neighbors to reach out to one another.  Stay tuned for additional communication from your Area Captains.

To stay up to date on Norwich's COVID-19 Info and Resources, visit the Norwich Police info:
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Please indicate your neighborhood. You will see your Area Captain listed if someone has volunteered.  If blank, please consider volunteering! *
First and Last Name for household *
Street Address *
Home Phone Number (or N/A if you don't have one) *
Cell Phone Number (or N/A if you don't have one) *
Email (or N/A if you don't have one) *
Preferred method of contact *
How frequently would you like a check-in by a neighbor (via your preferred method of contact)?
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Are you available to help, seeking help, or both?
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If you are seeking help, please let us know what you need and we'll see if there is a volunteer available.
Would you be willing to share/donate basic items like food, water, medical supplies, herbal medicine, hygiene products, etc.? Please indicate what you have to share. (It's okay if you don't know at the moment or if you don't have extra resources on hand.)
Do you have special skills or particular resources you are willing to share and would like us to know about?
Do you want to plant a Victory Garden on your property to provide extra food for your household and to share with others? *
We welcome your comments, questions and bright ideas as this initiative takes shape.  Thank you.
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