My Dementia Companion PRO
We created My Dementia Companion to help family and friend carers. Through our journey, we discovered that so many professionals are facing the same problems.

As a result, we are building My Dementia Companion PRO to support all the amazing dementia advisors, nursing staff, social workers, care managers and other care professionals (you can learn more here

If you are an aged care provider or professional wanting to improve the care given to your clients and save time, please register your interest below to join our upcoming pilot to be one of  the first to try My Dementia Companion PRO.

Note: there is no obligation to participate after registering you interest and the pilot will be FREE.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your name *
Where do you work? *
What is your role? e.g. dementia advisor, care manager, social worker etc. *
How many clients with dementia are you looking after? *
How many hours a week do you spend Googling for information on care or coping strategies, and navigating the care system? *
Your email *
Your best contact number *
Any other questions or comments?
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