Call for information on actions, measures and approaches that respond to loss and damage from the impacts of climate change
The Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage is developing the compendium on comprehensive risk management approaches Vol.2. This will showcase recent developments in applying comprehensive risk management for responding to specific cases of loss or damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including rapid onset and slow onset events and at all levels of governance. The submitted case studies will serve as a basis for elaborating key findings on emerging good practices that integrate a spectrum of anticipatory and ex-post action to pave the way for transforming policy decisions to manage climate risks holistically across all levels of governance.

The Executive Committee, therefore, invites relevant organizations, networks and experts to submit case studies to inform the development of the Compendium Vol.2.

The case studies should contain a brief description of (i) the context and loss(es)/damage(s) experienced, (ii) actions taken and/or planned to holistically manage losses referred to above, (iii) the enabling environments and other factors contributing to the successful implementation, and (iv) expected or actual outcomes.

The Executive Committee welcomes case studies from all levels of governance, including the international, regional, national, sub-national and local levels. In line with its five-year rolling workplan, the Executive Committee encourages submissions with perspectives on gender and groups at the frontline of climate change, such as Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

Please submit relevant information by 29 February 2024. For further information, please see the note on the process and timeline. Submitted case studies will inform and may feature in the compendium on comprehensive risk management approaches Vol.2

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Email *
1. Name *
2. Name of your institution or organization
3. Country
4. Level of governance of the measure(s) undertaken (select all that apply)
5. Climate change impact(s) addressed (select all that apply)
6. Specific loss(es) or damage(s) experienced. Please provide a brief description 
7. Please provide a brief description of:
Actions taken and/or planned to holistically manage losses described in question (6) above. Examples of actions include but are not limited to risk-based approaches, contingency measures, post-impacts actions of various time horizons, ex-situ measures such as retreat and relocations
The enabling environments and other factors contributing to successful implementation
Expected or actual outcomes from the measures implemented or planned
8. Supporting link(s) with additional relevant information 

9. Other relevant information. You may also e-mail attachments and other relevant information to 
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