Dvet/online /Mock Test-3
N.k.Rathod wireman instructor ITI darwha dist.Yavatmal-445202 Alternating current- MCQ-3
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1) A 40 ohm resistor is connected across a 15v variable frequency source.The current through the resistor when frequency is 100 Hz will be.
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2) The frequency of the waveform shown in fig.
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3) Radio frequency choke is
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4) The reactance of 1F capacitance when connected to a d.c.ciruit is.
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5) The mains supply of a house is 230 v,50Hz .The potential difference experience by a person who happens to touch the line is
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6) An air core choke coil and an electric bulb are connected in series with a.c.mains .On introducing soft iron bar in the coil, the intensity of light will.
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6) An air core choke coil and an electric bulb are connected in series with a.c.mains .On introducing soft iron bar in the coil, the intensity of light will.
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6) An air core choke coil and an electric bulb are connected in series with a.c.mains .On introducing soft iron bar in the coil, the intensity of light will.
2 points
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