Hillingdon Religious Education Secondary School Survey 2024
Information from schools will be used only to consider revisions and improvements to the Locally Agreed Syllabus and to identify further support that might be provided through the RE Advisor and SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education).
Email *
Please provide the name of your school or if you would prefer to complete this anonymously, please provide the type of setting: special/faith/community etc. *
1a. Who delivers the KS3 RE curriculum to pupils? *
1b.  From which Syllabus is your KS3 RE Curriculum devised? *
1c. How confident are you that your KS3 RE curriculum fulfils the subject requirements in the statutory locally Agreed syllabus? *
Very - evidence can be provided
Not at all
1d. How confident in their subject knowledge and skills/pedagogy are those delivering the KS3 RE curriculum? *
Very - evidence can be provided
Not at all
1e. How many hours a week is timetabled for KS3 RE curriculum delivery? *
1f.   How confident are you that your KS3 RE curriculum fulfils the TIMETABLING requirements in the statutory locally Agreed syllabus? *
Very - evidence can be provided
Not at all
2a. Who delivers the KS4 Core (non-examination) RE curriculum to pupils? *
2b. What format is used to deliver the KS4 non-examination/Core RE Curriculum?
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2c  How many hours a week is timetabled for KS4 non-examination (Core) RE curriculum delivery?
2d.   How confident are you that your KS4 Core/non-examination RE curriculum fulfils the TIMETABLING requirements in the statutory locally agreed syllabus?
Very - evidence can be provided
Not at all
Clear selection
2e.  From which Syllabus is your KS4 Core (non-examination) RE Curriculum devised?
Clear selection
2f. How confident are you that your KS4 Core (non-examination) RE curriculum fulfils the subject requirements in the statutory locally agreed syllabus?
Very - evidence can be provided
Not at all
Clear selection
2g. How confident in their subject knowledge and skills/pedagogy are those delivering the KS4 Core (non-examination) RE curriculum?
Very - evidence can be provided
Not at all
Clear selection
3a.  Please specify the Examination Board and relevant paper/options syllabus used for the KS4 RE curriculum GCSE option/examination.
3b. How many hours a week is timetabled to support the delivery of the RE curriculum for KS4 pupils being entered into public examination?
3c.   How confident are you that the RE curriculum TIMETABLING for KS4 pupils being entered into the public examination fulfils the requirements in the statutory locally agreed syllabus?
Very - evidence can be provided
Not at all
Clear selection
3d How confident in their subject knowledge and skills/pedagogy are those delivering the KS4 (examination) RE curriculum?
Very - evidence can be provided
Not at all
Clear selection
4a. What format is used to deliver the KS5 non-examination/Core RE Curriculum? *
4b.  How many hours a week is timetabled for KS5 non-examination (Core) RE curriculum delivery?
4c.   How confident are you that your KS5 Core/non-examination RE curriculum fulfils the TIMETABLING requirements in the statutory locally agreed syllabus?
Very - evidence can be provided
Not at all
Clear selection
4d. How confident in their subject knowledge and skills/pedagogy are those delivering the KS5 Core (non-examination) RE curriculum?
Very - evidence can be provided
Not at all
Clear selection
5.  How confident are you that your pupils are progressing in their learning as should be expected? *
Very- Have Evidence
Somewhat but need comparison
Not at all
Not applicable (no provision at Centre)
KS4 Core/non-examination
KS4 Exams
KS5 Core/non-examination
KS5 Exams
6a.   What support/training is provided for those delivering the RE curriculum in your school?                           *
a. Termly network training from Borough RE Advisor
b. from own school staff
c. Training from external agency/exam board/curriculum provider
d. Diocese/Faith Grp/Authority
e. Other
f. None
g. Not Applicable/no provision at Centre
KS4 Core/non-examination
KS4 Exams
KS5 Core/non-examination
KS5 Exams
6b.   If responded b-e in question 6a above, please specify here:                    
7a. How do you support your professional development (beyond those specified in question 6)? *
7b. If responded b, c or d in question 7a, above: please specify here:
7c.  What additional support might be helpful from the Borough RE Advisor/SACRE in developing/improving the teaching and learning of the RE curriculum in your school? (Please also refer to your responses for questions 1c, 1d, 2f, 2g, 3d and 4d and 7, above)
Thank You.
Hillingdon SACRE would like to thank you for you time. Your responses will not be shared with the name of your school/setting.
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