Survey of FUVN Open Repository
The Open Repository of Future Urban Ventilation Network is designed to host an integrated site to collectively present links or contacts to available relevant data and tools.  A prototype is shown at the end of the survey. We’d like to gather information on the sources of relevant data and tools (e.g. field, experiment, meteorology, CFD) that are freely available, and what you would like to see in an open access online repository (such as the reported methods, parameters, species, typologies and morphologies). Filling the form may take about 5 mins.
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Please state the sources of relevant data (e.g. field, experiment, meteorology, CFD) that are freely available. *
Is there data you would like access to but is not currently available? If Yes, please specify. *
Please state the relevant tools  that are freely available. *
What "Methods" do you want to see  in the repository? *
What "Morphology"  do you want  to see or contribute to in the repository *
What measured or simulated "Quantities" do you want to see or contribute to in the repository? *
Please give comments/suggestions on the draft FUVN data repository web:
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