Linskill's Active Summer Registration form
Hurrah you have decided to join our challenge! From 20th July to 1st September, as a team we will be attempting to cover the length of Britain. 'Lejog' is short hand for Lands End to John O Groats, which is 1198 miles following the National Cycle Network.

After you have filled out this form you will recieve an email with all the information you need. If you have any questions please email 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your name *
Your email *
Your email again (just in case we have any typo's) *
Phone Number
Would you like to be added to the Active Summer Challenge WhatsApp group?
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Please tick the activity you will normally be doing as part of this challenge *
We are offering an early bird special for event exclusive T-shirts, if you’ve registered for the event and get your order in before Friday 24th July you can get it for £7.99…after 24th July all t-shirts will be £9.99. There will also be baseball caps  available with the event logo. You might even win a one-off item in the weekly competitions! *
If you would like to order a t-shirt please choose the size required. We will then be in touch to organise payment and collection.
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