2021 Vanderbilt Women's Basketball Education Day Registration Form
Vanderbilt women's basketball would like to invite all students in grades K-6th grade to our game on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 11 a.m. vs. Albany. Please submit one form per school. The deadline to register is Wednesday, November 24th.
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School Name *
School Address (City, State, and Zip Code) *
Principal's Name (First and Last Name) *
Principal's Email Address *
Main Contacts for Each School
Please provide information for two main contacts who will be present on the day of the event. All future communication will be sent to the school principal and the two main contacts for each school.
School Contact Person #1 Name (this person must be present at Education Day). *
School Contact Person #1 Email Address (this person must be present at Education Day). *
School Contact Person #1 Cell Phone Number (this person must be present at Education Day). *
School Contact Person #2 Name (this person must be present at Education Day). *
School Contact Person #2 Email Address (this person must be present at Education Day). *
School Contact Person #2 Cell Phone Number (this person must be present at Education Day). *
Which grades will be in attendance? *
Please list the total number of students, teachers, chaperones from each grade. *
What is the total number of attendees from your school?
How many buses will you bring? If you are bringing cars, please respond with the number 0. Cars may park for free in the 25th Ave. Garage. Bus parking will be communicated to each school at a later date. *
In order to ease the entrance process, we are asking schools to drop off students during a specific 15 minute drop off time. Please choose three potential drop off times for your school. A Vanderbilt representative will reach out to you to confirm your drop off time. Drop off locations will be communicated closer to the event. A Vanderbilt liaison will meet buses and cars at the drop off location.
1st Preference Drop Off Time *
2nd Preference Drop Off Time *
3rd Preference Drop Off Time *
The game will conclude at approximately 1 p.m. What time will your school need to leave the game? Schools will be dismissed 15 minutes before your indicated time to ensure your school has enough time to return to your buses. *
Do you need accessible seating? If so, how many accessible seats? *
Does your school currently have any specific COVID-19 protocols that will be in effect at Education Day? If so, do you need any special accommodations from Vanderbilt? *
If you have any other information that you feel is relevant, or any questions that you may have, please write them below.
Please list any special accommodations.
Vanderbilt University requires an 8-1 student to chaperone ratio for children ages 6-8 and a 10-1 student to chaperone ratio for children ages 8-14. Will you provide enough chaperones to adhere to this criteria? If no, please explain why. *
Do you agree that your school will adhere to all COVID-19 protocols in place by Vanderbilt University on the day of the event? *
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