Recycling Workshop Request
Fill out this form to have a Zero Waste Detroit staff member come to your next community meeting. They'll provide information on curbside recycling in Detroit and register your neighbors for FREE recycling carts for their homes!

In the meeting, Zero Waste Detroit will provide a 10-15 - minute presentation on how the curbside recycling program works in Detroit and be available to answer any questions from residents.  

Those interested in receiving a free recycling cart will give their information and a recycling cart will be ordered for and delivered to them at zero cost!

Help your friends and neighbors join the thousands of Detroiters recycling at home!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Block Club or Neighborhood Organization Name: *
Primary Contact Name: *
Primary Contact Phone Number: *
Primary Contact Email:
Meeting Date:
Meeting Time:
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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