Minted Marketplace Interest Form
Thank you so much for your interest in the Minted Marketplace. We are currently sourcing for a curated, highly selective assortment of original artwork, home decor, artisanal gifts, and stationery accessories. If you are an individual maker or small business interested in having your products considered for our marketplace, please complete this form. You can learn more about the Minted Marketplace here

Our team will reach out if we are interested in moving forward with your products.

If you're interested in selling your stationery designs or art prints, please submit to our design challenges. Learn more about participating with Minted here.

Enter your personal information below.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your full name? *
Are you a current Minted artist? (have you previously submitted to Minted design challenges)
Minted artist name (if applicable)
What are you interested in selling through Marketplace? (If you're interested in selling your stationery designs or art prints, please submit to our design challenges.)
If your products don't fit into any of the categories listed above, please describe what you are interested in selling:
Please provide a link to your portfolio and/or website.
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