Scenarios for using the NDSA Levels of Digital Preservation
The NDSA Levels of Preservation Steering group would like to find out more about particular scenarios in which the Levels are being used. Rather than looking for full and detailed case studies, we hope to collect a short paragraph or two of information from a range of different organizations in answer to specific questions and scenarios of interest. 

The information shared with us will be collated and published in a series of themed blog posts. 

We welcome contributions no matter how big or small. You are welcome to respond to just one of the scenarios or select multiple scenarios that are relevant to you.

We have asked for your name and contact details as this is helpful in providing context to your answers. You are also given the option to remain anonymous if you prefer to do so when we collate and publish your responses.

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Your name
Your organization
Your email address
Are you happy to be idenitfied when we share your scenarios with the community or would you prefer to remain anonymous? *
Process and Documentation
Describe how your organization uses the NDSA Levels. How frequently do you use them? Who gets involved? Who is the resulting information communicated to? What documentation is maintained about the process? Does this process tie in with organizational review and planning cycles?
Do you use the NDSA Levels once (for your organization as a whole) or do you use it multiple times, perhaps focusing on different departments, different types of content or different collections?
Certification Landscape
Does your organization use the NDSA Levels alongside other digital preservation maturity models and/or certification standards? Describe how the NDSA Levels is used as part of a wider process of continuous improvement within your organization.
Financial Considerations
Do you use the NDSA Levels to help project the financial cost or staff time needed to achieve a particular level? If so, do you do this by individual digital object, by collection or for the entire repository? How is this information generated/collected and how is it used in program planning? Who contributes to this exercise?
Environmental Impact 
Do you take environmental impact into account when making decisions about how to manage and preserve digital content? Does this impact your use of the NDSA Levels, perhaps influencing the level that you aim for?
Any other comments?
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