EJRP Childcare Application for Employment
Thank you for your interest in working for Essex Junction Recreation and Parks!  
We look forward to learning more about you.  

Please take your time filling out this form, and use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You may want to write some of your responses in a word processor (use spell check) and then paste your responses in the input boxes.

Feel free to e-mail  Rosy at rgallo@ejrp.org or call us (802-878-1375) with any questions.
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Your Full Name *
Please use the first name you like to be called, and include your last name.
Your Personal Pronouns *
Your Phone Number *
Your Email Address *
As of August 26, 2024, my age will be:
Due to some licensing standards your age will allow/prohibit you from working some positions.
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Position You Are Applying For: *
If you are interested in more than one of these positions, please pick your first choice and indicate at the end of the next section which other positions you would like to be considered for.
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