PROJECT: Navigating New Arctic-National Science Foundation (NNA-NSF)  Advancing Research in Ice-Structure Interactions for Safer Marine Operations

PLEASE NOTE: This survey will take about 5-7 minutes to complete. For completing this survey, you will receive a $5 Amazon Gift Card to your email.

Survey results will be available upon request.

(Research Background): Climate change has led to a decrease in Arctic Sea ice extent, resulting in increased marine activity in previously inaccessible areas. However, this expansion of maritime operations in sea ice-infested waters comes with significant risks and challenges, including navigating through ice-covered waters and avoiding collisions with ice. To address these challenges, this study uses ship AIS data, remote sensing, and ice concentration and thickness measurements to develop ice ship and structure interaction models that can enhance understanding of ice-structure interaction in Alaskan waters. Real-time data collected via AIS and remote sensing aims to improve the accuracy of ice structure interaction modeling, enabling mariners to identify and avoid hazardous ice conditions, optimize vessel routes, and improve situational awareness. The study's recommendations will support the development of improved ice management policies and regulations, contributing to safer maritime operations in Alaska. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of practical solutions to ensure safe marine operations in sea ice-filled waters and presents a promising approach for enhancing our understanding of ice-ship and ice-structure interaction and improving marine safety in Alaska.

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Consent Form (Introduction): Hello!

My name is Virginia Groeschel. I am a research assistant at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. We are conducting research on Arctic Sea ice floe impacts on ships and marine structures under Professors Deniz Gedikli ( and Oceana P. Francis ( The objective of our research is to develop an application model that would support safe maritime transportation operations in Arctic Sea ice conditions, by predicting areas of ice floe conflicts with shipping routes. This survey is a first step in engaging with key stakeholders in this research, to understand your perspectives and concerns. Our project website is:

Consent form (Explaining choice): Taking part in this study is your choice. Your participation in this project is completely voluntary. You may stop participating at any time. If you stop being in the study, there will be no penalty or loss to you. Your choice to participate or not participate will not affect your rights to services at the UH at Manoa Campus. *
Consent form (Purpose of Study): The purpose of this survey is to collect stakeholder anecdotal information and evaluate stakeholder perceptions of Arctic Sea ice floes and its impact to support the research currently underway. A stakeholder analysis is crucial for this investigation. 

The main goal of the overall project is to develop an online Arctic and Sub-Arctic maritime transportation platform that promotes safe, reliable, efficient, and environmentally sustainable maritime operations in the region.

Consent form (Explaining what will happen):  The survey will consist of identifying types of ships and boats regularly used in this region, along with characterizing types of maritime activities, ranking options, and answering short answer questions. It will take about 10 minutes. The survey questions will include questions like, “What factors are the most important to you in traveling through Arctic Sea ice?"

The survey hopes to gather anecdotal data from stakeholders on Arctic Sea ice navigation; looking for parameters of risk in ice floe conflicts with personal and industrial transportation or other considerations not currently identified, to support continued safety measures in the maritime transportation industry.

The survey follows after the completion of this consent form. I believe there is little risk to you for participating in this research. If you become stressed or uncomfortable, you can skip the question or take a break. You can also stop taking the survey or you can withdraw from the project altogether. However, complete surveys will help guide our research, since community and stakeholder input are essential.

Consent form (Risks and Benefits): I believe there is little risk to you for participating in this research project. You may become stressed or uncomfortable answering any of the survey questions. If you do become stressed or uncomfortable, you can skip the question or take a break. You can also stop taking the survey or you can withdraw from the project altogether. There will be no direct benefit to you for participating in this survey. The results of this project may help improve marine navigation safety across floe ice fields in Arctic waters.
Taking part in this survey will help increase awareness of local challenges with Arctic Sea ice floes not currently identified; promote community-supported solutions; improve communication and coordination between government agencies in supporting local mitigation strategies; and increase your personal involvement with safer navigation through Arctic Sea ice. 

Consent form (Confidentiality and Privacy): I will not ask you for any personal information, such as your name or address. I will only ask your affiliation to known research vessels in the region and region you reside in for data analysis. Please do not include any personal information in your survey responses. I will keep all study data secure and encrypted on a password protected computer. Only my University of Hawai‘i supervisors, Professors Gedikli and Francis, and I will have access to the information. Other agencies that have legal permission have the right to review research records. The University of Hawai'i Human Studies Program has the right to review research records for this study.

Consent form (Future Research Studies):  Identifiers will be removed from your identifiable private information. Even after removing identifiers, the data from this study will not be used or distributed for future research studies.  

Consent form (Questions):  If you have any questions about this research survey, please email me at  You may also contact my supervisor, Dr. Oceana Francis, at (808) 956-6555 and You may contact the UH Human Studies Program at (808) 956-5007 or to discuss problems, concerns, and questions, obtain information, or offer input with an informed individual who is unaffiliated with the specific research protocol. Please visit for more information on your rights as a research participant. *
Consent form (Accessing survey):  If you would like to be contacted following the survey, please send an email to Virginia Groeschel, graduate researcher, at

Please confirm your consent for this survey in the question below. Please click next to continue with the survey. Going to the first page of the survey implies that you are at least 18 years of age and you consent to participate in this study. Please print or save a copy of this page for your records. 

Thank you.

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