The Courage Tour Volunteer Application - Pennsylvania
Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering for The Courage Tour Conference! Please take a few minutes to fill out the questions below to apply to become a volunteer.
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Mobile Phone *
Address *
City: *
State *
Zip Code: *
Why do you want to volunteer at this event? *
Have you volunteered at an event like this before? *
What skills/talents do you have that you believe could be an asset at these events? *
Have you ever volunteered at a Lance Wallnau event before? *
Which positions are you interested in volunteering for? *
What is your ideal volunteer position? *
Are you able to fulfill a 4 hour shift while standing? *
Do you have any physical conditions that require a less physically demanding position? *
Do you have Social Media? *
Link to Facebook *
Link to Instagram
Link to Twitter
Which languages are you fluent in? *
Do you have any criminal charges, warrants or are you on parole or probation? *
I understand that submitting this application does not guarantee my acceptance as a volunteer. There will be a vetting process, and I will be contacted within 7 days with next steps.
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