Confidence Club Mastermind

This is an intimate mastermind for the woman who wants to become fearless in who she’s been called to be while raising her family and building her business. 

This mastermind is designed to bring more joy into your life, help you feel more fulfilled, all while facing your fears so you can live your passion both personally and professionally.

This is a 12 week bi-weekly collaborative mastermind that alternates between group coaching, conversation + collaboration, hot seat sessions, and guest experts.

We will focus on removing obstacles that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential as a woman, wife, mom, and business owner.

Together we will deconstruct your self-limiting beliefs, help you overcome your fears, and rebuild your beliefs and habits according to your hopes and dreams.

I will mentor you on exactly how I have built a meaningful + significant business all while being a PRESENT wife and mom.

I will share my habits, routines, and systems with you, and empower you to create your own so that you can live your life to the fullest all while building a purpose-filled business.

This mastermind is open for ALL WOMEN, no matter what type of business you are building.

1:1 High Level Coaching is available for an additional cost.

Please complete my Mastermind form below and I will be in touch shortly! If you have questions feel free to email me at 

I cannot wait to get to know you more and help you live more fearlessly and joyfully while raising your family and building your business!

Ali Tessitore
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