REGISTRATION                                              International Conference - Europe and the changing Mediterranean: policies and research agendas for culture, heritage, and sustainability 
28-29 November 2024   

Por favor faça o seu registo até 27 de setembro de 2024.
Please register by September 27, 2024.  
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Nome/Name *
Afiliação institucional/Institutional affiliation
Tipo de inscrição/Type of registration 
Dias de participação/Participation Days 
Quero certificado de participação/I would like a certificate of attendance
Preciso de uma carta de convite/I need a letter of invitation

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Em qualquer altura, pode contactar os organizadores se desejar que os seus dados sejam apagados.

Your answers to the questions form will be accessed by the organisers of the conference. The information collected via the form will be stored securely in password-protected environments and will not be shared with others.

At any point, you may contact the organisers should you wish your data to be erased.

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