NFPA CFI-II (Kalamazoo Twp) - December 2-5
  • LOCATION: Kalamazoo Twp Fire Dept., Westwood Station, 1310 Nichols Rd., Kalamazoo
  • DETAILS: Classes are held Monday through Thursday between December 2 and December 5. Time of class is 8:00am to 5:00pm each day. No meals or snacks provided.
  • COURSE FEE: $400 - An invoice will be issued within two business days of registering. You will have the option to pay with credit card, check, or bank transfer. Payment is required by November 22, 2024.
  • CODE BOOKS: We will now be teaching using the 2021 NFPA Code Books. The 2018 NFPA Code Books may still be utilized, but following along may be somewhat challenging. If you wish to purchase a set of the 2021 NFPA Code Books, you will be given the opportunity below. Cost: $425.
  • CANCELLATION POLICY: Any cancellation is subject to a 10% cancellation fee.
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