Apply to play youbloomDublin 2017
#ybdublin17 June 1-5 2017
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Official Band Website *
Facebook Link *
First Name *
of the contact person
Last Name *
of the contact person
Email Address *
please make sure you add to your contacts
Facebook Page Name *
no need to give us the whole link, just the name
Twitter Handle *
just @twittername
Live Video Link *
enter the video link that best represents your performance style  *MUST BE LIVE*
Music Link *
enter the track you want our selection team to listen to that best represents your band
What country is the band based *
Expenses Covered *
Please note that you must cover all expenses throughout the festival. youbloomDublin artists/bands will receive free delegate passes that allows access to all festival and conference events for all band members and two band crew members. A backline including standard drum kit (breakables not included), 2 guitar amps, 1 bass amp and 2 vocal mics will be provided.
Heard about youbloomDublin from... *
How did you hear about youbloomDublin?
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