Environmental Reporting Lab
The Concord Monitor is launching its Environmental Reporting Lab, an ambitious effort to become the statewide hub for all aspects of environmental journalism.
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We've highlighted the 10 most pressing environmental issues facing New Hampshire residents. Tell us what matters most to you.

Local economy — How are key industries, from maple syrup to skiing, evolving? What will our environmental economy look like in the future?

Disaster preparedness — Are we ready for higher levels of precipitation, flooding of rivers and along the seacoast and more frequent hurricanes?

Renewable energy — What are the latest developments in solar, wind, biomass, hydro and geothermal? Can NH emerge as a leader?

Building a better NH — Quality of life, seasonal tourism, and how environment is connected to our need to attract a younger demographic

Pollution & waste — How recycling, compost, landfills, air and water quality affect residents every day

Politics & policy — What are the latest initiatives, acts, funds that could become policies that lead to change?

Wildlife — How do changes in local species' habitats and health lead to new environmental concerns?

Transportation — What is the impact of implementing EV infrastructure and pushing for new passenger rail corridor on local economies?

Environmental justice — Environmental issues often have a greater impact on most vulnerable residents.

Local food systems — What challenges are local farmers and fisheries facing? What do they need to create a better and more sustainable network of local foods?
Please rank in order the topics that are most important to you. What would you like to see more coverage on? *
Local economy
Disaster prep
Renewable energy
A better NH
Pollution & waste
Politics & policy
Local food systems
Enviro justice
Is there a topic or priority that you think should be included? Please tell us here.
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