Living the Lord's Prayer ... Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil
Discussion / Reflection Questions for 2.11.2024
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What have been key moments of testing and trials in your life?  How did you respond to them?


Of the 8 temptations common to humanity, which ones are you most sensitive to (food, sex, things, anger, dejection, lethargy, vainglory, pride)?  Each of these temptations has an immediate anecdote, or virtues, which can be applied (food - self-control, sex - chastity, things - generosity, anger - patience, dejection - diligence, lethargy - perseverance, vainglory -  humility, pride - charity). Which of these virtues come most naturally to you?  Which ones do you need to make an intentional effort to practice?


Read Luke 4:1-13

How does this text correlate with the common temptations and virtuous responses discussed above?  How does this passage end?  What does that tell you about our enemy?


Read Matthew 12:43-45 

What does this passage suggest about our enemy?  What is Jesus implying in this passage?


At the time, the cross seemed like a great victory for the adversary, yet Jesus’ victory over death is also victory over sin and the devil.  This victory is yours too, in Christ Jesus!  How do you “take up the cross” daily in your life?  What have been important miracles and graces in your life?  How do these divine interventions impact your daily life to this day?

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