Thaipoosam Walk to Concord Temple -  Saturday Feb 8, 2025 - Walk Cancellation Request
If you have already registered for the Concord Temple Thaipoosam walk on Saturday, Feb 8, 2025, and would like to cancel (full or partial) please provide the details here.
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Full Name *
Full Name of the person who booked the tickets
Email *
Specify the email which you have used to get the tickets for the Walk
Phone Number *
If needed, we will call you about the cancellation
How many tickets to cancel - From Heather Farm?
Give the total number of tickets to cancel. If you already have 4 tickets from Heather Farm and would like to cancel 1; then specify 1 here. After the cancellation, you will still have 3 valid tickets. 
Any other notes / comments
If you are interested in cash donation for the Sashti walk, please do it using the Temple donation URL:
If you are interested in sponsoring food, snacks items for the Sashti walk, please do it using the URL:
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