Iowa OpenSciEd K-5 Field Test Teacher Application Form
Thank you for completing this form to the best of your ability.

Iowa is currently a partner state in the national OpenSciEd Project. This project is focused on the development and implementation of high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials for K-5. Teachers will field test 4 units over 2 years. They will provide feedback to OpenSciEd before, during, and after field testing each unit and participate in the research’s data collection (i.e. interviews/learning logs, collecting student work/exit tickets, pre/post surveys). This data will be used to revise and create OER units in science for grades K-5. Applications are due February 20, 2023

More information can be found on the Project Overview, Benefits, and Commitment document found here:

Any questions should be directed to Iowa’s state OpenSciEd coordinator, Tami Plein, at
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Email *
Please enter your first name. *
Please enter your last name. *
Your Iowa AEA *
What is the name of the school district where you will be teaching in the fall? *
What is the name of the school where you will be teaching in the fall? *
District contact Information (Principal or Superintendent who has or will fill out the district application form).  Please provide Name, position, email and phone  number. *
What is the best email address for you during the school year? *
What is the best email address for you during the summer? *
What is your gender? (Optional response)
Which of the following best describes you? (Check all that apply.Optional response)
If there are other ways that you identify that you would like to share, please do so here.
What science workshops, courses, district PD, or other learning opportunities have you participated in the last 10 years? Examples would include unpacking science standards, science unit development, graduate courses, NSTA webinars, recent teacher prep courses, etc. that directly link to science teaching and our Iowa science standards.  *
What significant changes have taken place in your classroom as a result of the your learning about and implementing the Iowa Science Standards (NGSS). Connect these changes with any professional learning opportunities you've experienced. Please be specific.
Prior to the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, how many years have you worked as an elementary, middle or high school teacher? *
Include any full-time teaching assignments, part-time teaching assignments, and long-term substitute assignments, but do not include student teaching. 
Prior to the upcoming 2023-24 school year, in which elementary grades have you taught? Please provide the number of years for each year K-5.( For example, Grade 3, 5 years) *
Include ONLY full-time, year-long teaching assignments
What grade are you teaching now? Choose all that apply. *
Do you anticipate a change to a new grade for the 2023-2024 school year?  *
Please provide a general estimate of your science class size. *
What is your current teaching arrangement? (Self-contained, team teaching, etc.) *
Approximately how much time per week do you spend teaching science?  Please enter an hourly estimate. *
Please provide an estimate of the portion of students with these characteristics you are serving in a science class this school year.  If you do not have any students in the category, please answer None. *
None (0%)
More than none but less than a quarter (1% - 24%)
Between a quarter and less than half (25% - 49%)
Between a half and less than three quarters (50% - 74%)
Between three-quarters and less than all (75% - 99%)
All (100%)
African America or Black
American Indian or Native Alaskan
Asian or Asian American
Latinx or Hispanic
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
In special education
Emerging multilingual
Each teacher who is selected to participate in the field test will be asked to do each of the following. Please indicate your agreement by placing a check in each box. *
Please tell us why you would like to participate in this field test project. *
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